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(d) To make such other rules and regulations as may be reasonably <br />necessary to facila.tate adequate eervice to be rendered to the public under <br />this franchise, any such rules and regulations when adopted to be binding <br />upon the grantees herein. <br />Section 14. Motor vehicles operated by grantees under this franchise <br />shall be known as "public service vehicles" and when not i.n use in the ser- <br />vice of the privileges granted herein, each of such vehicles sha.ll be sta,- <br />tioned or parked at the headquarters of the grantees herein, which head- <br />quarters shall be located on private property. <br />Section 15. The word "ta.xicabs" as used in this ordinance shall mean <br />any passenger vehicle with not more tha.n two seats and a normal capacity <br />not in excese of six persons, which is not operated over a fixed route or <br />routes and which is engaged for the purpose of carrying a passenger or <br />passengers, by special trips to and from specified addresses as designated <br />by any such passenger or passengers. <br />Section 16. That the grantees shall promptly pay all lawful ad va.lorem <br />ta.xes, and such other levies and assessments, if any, that may be lawfully <br />imposed upon it. Failure to pay any of such charges or either of them shall <br />be deemed a breach of the privilege granted herein and the City, upon the <br />happening of such event, may declare the rights of the grantees hereunder <br />forfeited for such breach. <br />Section 17. This grant is made upon the express conditions tha.t the <br />non-exercise Qf the power to regulate rates and charges which the grantees <br />may charge to the public in the operation of its businees shall never be con- <br />strued as an acquiescense or recognition of the justness or correctness of <br />said grantees' established rate, and that so long as the governing body of <br />the City of Pa.ris does not exercise its legislative and governmenta.l power <br />to fix and regulate the rates tha.t the grantees herein shall charge to the pub- <br />lic, the question of praperty values used and useful in the rendering of the <br />service prior to rate regulati.on shall never stop the City from determining <br />the real or actual value of property used or useful in rendering such service. <br />If, and when, the City Council, or other governing body shall exercise the <br />power to fix the rates to be charged for such service in the City of Paris no <br />allowance in the way of said rate shall be made as compensation for any <br />property used or consumed in rendering the service by the grantees herein <br />for such service. If, and when, the City Council decides to regulate rates, <br />then at such time the Council will fully exercise its rate regulatory power <br />under the provisions of law applicable thereto, and the failure to provide <br />under this ordinance the machinery for the administrative, legis}ative or <br />executive control of such matter shall not preclude the Council from fully <br />exercising that power and providing suita.ble provisions to enforce such <br />power. <br />Section 18. Should it be determined that any clause, condition, or <br />covenant of this franchise is, for any reason, illegal or unenforceable, such <br />clause, condition or covenant shall be disregarded and the existence of the <br />same shall not affect the remaining clauses, conditions or covenants of this <br />franchise. <br />Section 19. That any unwarranted and intentional neglect, failure or <br />refusal of said grantees to comply with any of the conditions and stipulations <br />contained in said franchise shall thereupon immediately, ipso facto, effect a <br />forfeiture thereof, and the said Gity, by the City Council, may thereupon de- <br />clare said franchise forfeited, and may exclude said grantees from further <br />use of the streets of said City under said franchise, and said grantees ahall <br />thereupon and immediately surrender all rights in and to the same, and said <br />franchise shall become null and void and of no effect. <br />- 4 - <br />