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ORDiNAi1CZ i,TJ. 141 43 <br />;`,N ORliITvANCE CL'JSI"dG THi~ HLARING GI `vL-N Tv "iHr AEAL AND T:RUL '`vUdNLR5 0F <br />PTIKDPERTY ABUTTING Ut~OP1 CERTAI.v ST :EEETS IN! TH-,:' CITY GF PtaRIS, TEX:°+S, <br />'uJITHIZJ THE T Iiii.ITS ~ii'.S~Ii1~~-TL ~~Er'IPJED, AS TG SrECI11L BENEt=ITS TO <br />ACCRUE TO :.AID P'30PERTY AND THE R=AL AND Ti1L'LE (`l'VN;'RS THE R'a,,F D'Y vZ'R- <br />T[1.- Ir.1P~C°."~~YI~1T ~j_~ S;aID ST .~.LTS ';VITHIN S:~I,~ L,IiJ`~ITS, AND aS TO At~11r <br />i..i1ii01~5' iN''?;;LIDITILS, C' ~ IR1tLGULt,RITIiS IN AN`.' GF THE PROCEEJIPaC S 01: <br />C; )i1T[-:ACT TI-IER:'Y'c7R; O VL:Rt3ULING A1`1J DEN`IIi1C ALL PFzOTESTS AND QBJi,CTIONS <br />C,~ ~ ERED; rIiVDING :1PvD D: TLRP4IN ING TH~,'T EACH AP•1D E-JERY P;RCEL OL• P;0- <br />PE:TY HBUTTIP3G UP014 SAID STREETS ,~ITHIN THE LIMIT5 DEFINrD udILL BE <br />SPECIALL` 3EI1EI-ITt=.D AND 1ENHAP1CFll I2v VALUE Ii~ 'EXCFSS l7t' THr 1aiyDUNT C: <br />THE C: ST S`,iD I1u1Pt,O'JEMEENTS P't~ P~SIED TC 3;=. P;:vD A5 :;SSLSSEL AGAINST <br />5.=':I D P'.-1~ Pi,T.' AND TI-I~ 1tEnL n,^,U TRU ~~'JJNERS THLRFU} ~ uJD LE'N,1;JG Ai1 <br />A5SLS5MEivT I7,:R THr FAYMEr1T Ur n PORT1:OTw C'F Tlir (X;s; U: IMPRO`JiNr SAIL <br />~;T:;;r--_TS `:~ITHIN L,IN[ITS DEFINED, i-IXITvG A :,I-I~+RGE i1ND LIEN AGAiNu'i <br />S~ID PROPERTY Ai~1'D THr ~L t1i:L~ T::UL Ci,~N~R~ THcREbF, F1XIIdG TH` NWdNE1~ <br />A1ND TI0PA~`i~F_-TdT THLRrOF, ANv Fit',~VIDINc :~05~ TYc M1kiJi4l:R tii"D iv1ETIi:'D <br />sazD PAYr,1ENIT. <br />3E: IT vnllAINED DY THL ~ITY C,,,+UI~ICIL Cr THE CITV RtuRIS, TEXt'~S: <br />SE7CTION 1. The City rl'ouncil of the City of raris, Texas, finds: <br />(a) lhat the City Council ai the City of Paris has heretofore, by ordinances <br />auly enacted on the llth day of P1over.tiber, A. D., 1957, determined the necessity <br />tor and orde-red the improvement of portions of the follotvinc streets, te-wit: <br />(1) East Tudor Street, from the 7d5t Boundary Line of 17th <br />Stree"t, N. E. to the West Doundary Line of 20th Street, N. E. <br />(2) 25th Street, S. lc., from the South C-oundary Line of 'Nest <br />Shcrman Street to the North iloundary Line a i'J,est Austin <br />Street. <br />(3) 31st 5treet, N. E., a paving width of 30 feet, from the <br />North :,urb Line of Lamar rivenue te thc Tlorth Curb Line of <br />East Houston Street. <br />(4) On Last Houston Si;reet, beainning at the intersection of <br />the B. Line of 31st 5-1;., N. E. and Last Houston Street, <br />rast a distance of 150 feet, a street width of 30 feet. <br />within the limits therein detined and in the manner and according to the plans <br />and specifications therefor, UJhich plans and specifications have heretofor° been <br />approveQ and adcpted by said City Council. <br />'(bj That notices duly executed in the name of the City of Paris, Texas~ of the <br />enactrncnt of said above described ordir-ances, have been heretofore filed vvith <br />the County Clerx of Lamar County, Texas, the county in which said City of Paris <br />is situated, on the 18th day of Pvovember, f;. D., 1957. <br />(c) That the City Council, after having advertisPd Tor bids in the manner re- <br />quired by law and tne Charter of said Cit;,!, did ativard -the contract for the con- <br />struction of said imorovements to ':;oy L. ~.,7illiarnson, and said contract~ which is <br />dated t+.;arch 7, 1958, has been duly EDxecuted by the said ;=?oy L. 'OVilliamson and by <br />the City oi Paris, and that the performance bond requireG by law and by said con- <br />txact has he:.n properly furnished by the sai(i Roy L. !'Jilliamson. <br />ld) That the City councii caused the Director of 'Public 'dJorks to prepare and <br />iile estimates of the costs ofF such improvements and estimatPs of the amount <br />per foot nroposed to be assessed against the property abutting said stree:ts <br />lJvithin the limits defined and against the real and true oti^mers thereof. <br />(e) That upon the filing of said estimates~ the City Council did, by ordinance <br />6uly- enacted on the 10th day of nlarch, A. D., 1958, provide for anu order U <br />hearing to be held at 7:00 o°clock ~a m., on the 14th day of April, A. B., 1958, <br />in th~~, Council Chamber of the City Hal1, of Paris, Texas, at which time anci place <br />all perscns, iirms, corporations, and estates ov,minc or claiming any such abutting <br />property, GT ori}T 1C',tc?T,~,Si tri;:Te].Cl, G1"iCa thelZ' ag2;1't.5 and attorne}TS, 1Cld a~.l other <br />pcrsons interested. therein, were to Gppear ancl to be h< ard in person cr 'by caunsel, <br />Qnd such ordinancP directed that th< City I4anagF>r yive due nctice of such hearing <br />in the manner requi_red by iavjA <br />