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C`RDINANCE N0. 1445 ~ <br />AA? ORDINANCE AR+ENDING ORDINRNCE NC. 1070; PRvVIDING ?OR APPLIC.4c1T5 FOR <br />!^'ATE'2 SERt.rICES TO DEPOSTT VARIOUS SUNS, CLASS3rIED ^,CCORDING TC THE AIvDUNT JF <br />US^,GE AT THF. TIT.hF_ GF MkKING THE :4PPLICATIC'N FOR evATFR SE?IUTCE, THL- RATE PRC- <br />`:T7DME THEpEIN BEING B?.SEn I.1R'`N T'ff-) IVOivTTHS IJSE OF W,iTER; iPdD PROVIDIPdG FC`?? AN <br />FFrF_('TIVE DATE. <br />It having bAen called to the attention of the City Council of the City <br />of "aris that the present deposit of $5.00~ to cover all uses of water, is in- <br />adeauate, ana the City of Faris having heretofore and since the passage of <br />^rdinance No. 1070 raised the rates on water used in the City of Paris, and <br />the present deposi-t of $5.00 net being suf-icicient to cover the use of vrater <br />for a two months period of time; <br />R?= IT ^RDAINED BY TI-IE CITY MtINGIL ^T= THF CITY 0F FARIS: <br />That herearter each resident water consumer and each business or <br />commercial userof water, wherein water is not a part of their business opera- <br />tions, shall, at the time of making apblication for water service' make a de- <br />acsit o* $10.00 tc cover al1 uses of water. <br />That a1I cafes, restaurantst and other similGr businesses, shallf at <br />the time or making application for water service, make a deposit of $25.00 tc <br />covAr all uses of wGter. <br />Tha± all service stations, tourist courts, hoteis, and motels, where <br />such tocarist courtsg hotels, and motels are less than forty unitsg shall, at <br />the time of making application for water servicE, make a deposit of $35.00 to <br />cover all uses of water. <br />That a11. hotels$ motelst and tourist courtsg of forty units cr more, <br />shall, at the time of making application for water service, make a deposit of <br />$50.0') to cover all uses of water. <br />That all apartment houses shall, at the time of making application for <br />water services, deposit a minimum of $10.00 For the first two units,, and there- <br />a"ter $5.0^ for each additional unit, not to exceed $50.00. <br />This oxdinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage. <br />Passed and adopted this 2nd day of June,, A. D., 1958. <br />/l <br />~ <br /> <br />Mayor <br />".TTES : <br /> <br />City Clerk <br />"PpRc,V7n .^,s rl FPRr.rt: <br />~ <br />;!I/y .~tterney. <br />