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ORLINANCE N(J. 1450 AN ORllINANCE :+MENDIPIG ORDINANCE N0. 1357t VtiH1CH ORDINrNCE DErINE5 <br />ITINERANT MERCHhNTS, ITINERr'1NT VEA;IX~RS, PEDDLERS, :;ND PE:RSGNS SELLING CR <br />TAKING .)RDERS FOR WOUS, bvt:RES, MERCHANllISE, SER'v'ICES, NE'rJSPAPERS, NL-1GH- <br />ZINES, uR SUBSCRIPTICNS TU NEWSPaPERS OR MsG.=:ZINES, EXCLUIiING PffJTOGR%PHS <br />AND SERVICES RELATING TO PHiTOGRAPHY, PRGVIDING A LICENSE THERE:FOR AND <br />PaYPAENT (-F A FEE, REPEaLING ALL ORDTNANCES IN QUNFLICT HEREYJTTH, AND PRE- <br />SCRIBING A PEMyLTY UF NOT LESS THAN $5.00 i'1vR NDRE THAN $200.00. <br />BE 1T ORliAINED BY THE CTTY GUUNCIL 0r- THE CITY (;F PARIS: <br />ThatOrdinance No. 1357 be, and the same is hereby amended as follows: <br />Sectian l. This amendment is and shall be deemed an o= the <br />police pow;er o-j" the State of Texas and of the City of Paris, tor ttie public <br />safety, comfort, convenience and protcctinn of the City and citizens of said <br />,City, and all of the provisions hereor shal] be construed for the accomplish- <br />ment of that purpose. <br />Section 2,. :~:id erc'.inance is hereby Umended by adding therctc <br />Section 8a. That liereafter it shall be uniawfui for any perscn to go from <br />house to house or frem place to placE: in the City of Faris, T-Ixas, soliciting) <br />selling, or tak_ing orders for, or offering to sell or take crders for, any <br />goods, wares, merchandise, services, newspapers, magaziness or subscriptions <br />to newspapers or mayazines, whether vvith a permit as provided for in <br />C;rdinance No. 1357, or without a permit, betw;:en the hours o-l" 5:00 o=clock <br />P. M. and 9:00 oTclock on any day of the weEk. <br />Section :s. 'i11 ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict <br />herewith are hereby expressly repealed. <br />Section 4. This amendment shall become effective after publication <br />us required by law, anu on the 7th day of July, :k. D.1, 1958. <br />Passed and adopted this 23rd clay of June, :t. D., 1958. <br />....,~..:.C-_._1v1a yo r <br />ATTEST; ~ <br />City Clerk <br />:,PPROU D :~S TO ~URM: • <br />City Atto Ey. <br />