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oRDLN.a~,1cE ,uU. 1317 <br />Aii C%RDIi~~'~C~ REGULt►TING iiF_ f:LiVIi1G i;F BUILDINIGS ALOI1G GR 3'VER TrE <br />STREETS HIGiLJAYS Iiv TfzE CITY (..F PARIS; PRC)VIUItyG :0R T~E LICEr15Ti1G Cr <br />Ii:)USE ;'.IC;VERS AI:D E5TA3LISHIPdG A LICENSE FEE; RE'_~JIRTYIG THAT LIC::.NSED I-IOUSE <br />~LVERS PROVIDE SURETY EiGP'JD; PRUVIDIrJG A PEIdALTY; r1R,21 REPE.ALI"JG CxJNt=LICTIPdG <br />Gt2DS INAi1CES . <br />BE IT C)RDAZIdEi) BY T4-F- CITY C()UfdCIL "IF !f-lE CiTY C:F PkRIS: <br />5ection 1. iio person, fzrrii or corporation, except a licensed house <br />mover, si;all move any builaing or structure of any type c,rPater than forty <br />(40) sc7uare feet in area, over, along or across any street or highway ~vith- <br />in the city 1i;;lits cf the City of Paris, atid every suchperson, fir:n or cor- <br />roration, ociore en,a;ing in suc',z occu;;ation, si'iall obtaiiz an annual license <br />therefor, -for wl-iic.1 license the fee shall ;_)e Tvren-tv-: i•re ('125.03 j Dollars. <br />Suciz license s}:all r,ot be ;rante~- ~intil the ?erson applyin(i therefor shall <br />have given ~)onci in the sur,1 af 0~ne Thousand (~1000.i)J) Dollars viith an <br />appY'O'Jt?G SUX'E.'t:y cOi1;7a!1`j dQ1C1j-f :JuSlfl@SS 1C] the Stdtc Of TC'XuS , approved bV <br />the ;o•,,ernin(~ bod;.r of t ~e City oz ijaris, candition€:c~, aion; other ~nings, <br />t'tiat such r,erser,, rirm or cor,.)ora~ion 4vill pay any and all. c;amages vahich r.iay <br />happen or occur ca ar;y tree, pave,aer;t, stree t or sidevaalv, or any awning, <br />wirE, cr poae, or to any other tninc injured 'ca; any !iouse ;nover, dvhether any <br />such injury o-r da:nage sha11 be inflicted by said persen, Firm or ccrpoxation, <br />or his or its acents, emplcyees, and VJorkmen, and conditionnd iurther that <br />the said person, f'Lrm or corporation vJi1l serve, inderanify and lceep harr.:less <br />the Ci ~y of f-laris against ail lia0ili.ties, judgrzents, costs and expenses <br />w}iich ;:1ay i,i anj>> vaise accrue against said City in consec;uence of the grantir,g <br />of suc}1 license, and further canclitioned that the said house mover will in <br />all tr,in;s coniply wit}1 the conc?itions of ;ucn perr:lit. <br />Sectien Upon the execution of the bond nlentioned in Sectiar. 1. <br />above and its approval by the body,together wi-th the pay;,lent of <br />the rec;uired license iee, a license et-}~ermi~t shall ;~e issued to such person, <br />firr.; c.: corporation applyin; thereror as a licensed house r.iover, but such <br />licensed house r;iaver shall. in eacYi case and every ir.stance before r:loviny any <br />buildin,, apply io the builciing ofFicial of the City of i aris for apermit to <br />do so, in evhich application the building to oe Tnoved shall be fully described, <br />its lccation stateu, the place te which it is proposed to reriove the same <br />described, anc: the tir,le required i'or such rei-ioval stated, toc,ether vrith a <br />description of the street or streets or other public or private property over <br />whic'.-i it is proposed to ;nove said ouilding. Upon rsceipt oi such applicatinn, <br />the building ofiicia.l shall i:;u,iedia-Lely i.ssue the rec;uestad perrait, which per- <br />rnit sriall prescribe the route to i:7e taicen along the streets of the City of <br />Paris and shall furtller prescribe and li;?it the time 'Lor s>>ch removal, anu <br />such buildinu ofL,iciUl siiail ir.uneciiately no±iiy the officer in charc;e oi the <br />Police Depart:lent of the city of F'aris ef the grantinc; and issuance ai such <br />pe-rr:ii t- ;jy }iandin-:; to ,ziam a cop;T o: the sar;le. <br />Section No house or other auilding sizali be i-,ioved over, along or <br />across an}r s treet or nigjhway the City of Paxis, ancl no permit therefor <br />shall ever ae issued bythe building official of the City of Paris unless and <br />until the uuil.ding permit fee or Lrees, if any, required by the Buildin; i:ode <br />or any other ordinance of the Ci'.;y of Faris shall have first been paid and <br />the per:::it required by any sucil Code or ordinances shall have been issued in <br />accordarzce with the terms ar.d provisions thereof. <br />:,ection 4. Crdinance ;do. 1170, adopted by the City Council of the <br />City of :aris on the 24th day of T.iay, 1946, tog~3ther with any other ordinance <br />or part of ordiriance in conflict with this ordinance or any part hereof, is <br />hereby repealed. <br />Section 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro- <br />visions of ttis ordi;-iance stiall be deemec' guilty of a misder,ieanor and upon <br />conviction tliereof shall 'oe assessed a penalty not to exceed Two Hundred <br />($200.00) Dcllars. Each and every day any persan, firm or corporation, <br />shall violate any of the provisioris or this ordinance shall constitute a <br />separate of.ense and shall be punishableas such. <br />