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AMk <br />oRDIrrarraE No. 1321 . <br />AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING, ADMITTING AND INCORFORATING ADDITIONAL TERRI- <br />TORIES IN IAMAR COUNTY LYING ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF PARIS, IEXAS, INTO AND <br />AS A PART OF SAID CITY OF PARIS 9 EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY <br />OF PARIS SO AS TO INCLUDE AND gI+BRA(E SAID ADJACENT TLRRITORIES O CONFERRING <br />ALL RIGHT5 s PRIVIIEGES AND IMJuIJNITIES OF CITIZENSHIP URON THE INHABITANTS OF <br />SATD TERRIIORIES 9 EXTENDING THE BOU1mARIES OF WARD Tl-fftEE (3) SO AS T17 E(►BRA(E <br />AND INCLUDE SAID TERRITQRIES AND INCORPORATE SAME IN'In WARD THIEE (3) OF SAID <br />CITY, PROVIDIAlG THAT ALL ORDINANCES, RUiES 9 REGUTATI0NS AND LAWS IN EFFECT IN <br />THE CITY OF PARIS AND THAT MAY HEREAFIER BE PASSED SHALL BE IN FULL FORCE AND <br />EFFECT IN SAID TEt3RITORIES AFTER PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCES INSTRUCTING THE <br />CITY ENGINEER TO MAKE A SUR11EY FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARY LIMI15 OF <br />SAID CITY IN AC(ARDANCg HEREWITH ANID TO CONSTRUCT A OOMPIETE MAP OF SUCH <br />TERRI'PORIES SliDWING S'1REET5 9 ALIEYS 9 IATS9 IRACTS AND PROPERTY OWNERS AND IU <br />FIIE SAWE WITH TliE CITY CIERK AAID TOCORRECT THE MAP OF THE CITY OF PARIS SO <br />AS TO ADD SUCH 'IEftRITORIES Ti-ERE'N; AND INSTRUCTING THE CITY ASSESSOR AND <br />COLLECTOR OF TAXES TO LIST ALL PROPERTIES Tl-EREIN AAID PLACE SAME ON THE T.4X <br />ROLLS OF THE CITY OF PARIS AND HEREAFTER ASSESS THE SANE FOR TAXES IN AG'CORD- <br />aNCE tNI TH LAW. <br />WHEREAS, there is presently existing some uncertainty and dispute as <br />to the correct location of the present city limit lines at and within the <br />areas mentioned within this ordinance; and, whereas, it is deemed by the City <br />Council necessary and desirable that some additional properties be incorporated <br />and included +Nithin the corporate limits of the City of Paris immediately ad- <br />joining and in the vicinity of such disputed areas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR- <br />DAINED BY THE CI TY CAUNCI L OF THE CI IY OF PARIS s <br />Section 1. That the following described territories in Lamar Countyp <br />Texas, lying adjacent to the present boundary limits of the City of Paris be, <br />and the same are hereby annexed to the City of Paris and admitted into the <br />corporation of such City, and each and both of such tracts are hereby made and <br />constituted a part and portion of the City of Paris and the boundary limits of <br />said City are hereby extended so as to inc2ude and embrace said territories <br />and to conform to the same as herein set outp to-wita <br />F,IR;rT, T~RACTs Beginning at a point in the East Boundary Line of North <br />Main Streetp which is also U. S. Highway No. 271 at the most northerly north <br />west coxner of the present boundary line or city limit line of Paris; Thence <br />West, at 111 feet pass the UJest Boundary Line of said U. S. Highway 271, con- <br />tinuing West in all a distance of 1037 feet; Thence South, at 1200 feet the <br />North 1Yest Corner of the J. N. House Estate property and a N. W. Corner of the <br />present City Limats,, continuing South in all a distance of 2780 feetp a point <br />in a present N. B. Line of the City Limits and the N.B. Line of City of Paris <br />Warehouse property; Thence Fast with the said N. B. Line of said City of Paris <br />property a distance of 726 feet to the W. B. Line of North Main Street,, con- <br />tinuing East across said North Main Street t4 l±e, E, B, Linei a ±o*al dlsta-nce <br />of 806 feat; Thenae in a Northerly direction the E. B. Ltne of said ~ <br />t North lYlaain Streetp )ceing a2so U. S. Highiay Mcr. 27i9 to the place of baginning. <br />.s~ . ~ , . <br />_ _ ,..iE.. i _ ~1.:~.. J )~_~1,;_ _ _ . 1 <br />...+.-.e <br />. _ . , ~ _ . . <br />. , . . ' a~ . ~ <br />. . . i ~ . ~ , t . v ~ <br />, a e,. 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