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.w. Adh <br />ORDINANCE N0. 13~2 . <br />Amik ' * <br />rAN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE PARIS ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE SO AS TO <br />CHANGE THE AM7UNT OF THE lWNUAL FEES FOR T!-E LICENSING OF ELECTRICAL, <br />GONTRACTORS AND THE REGISTRATION OF JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIANS, rWD ES- <br />TABLISHING A NEW SCHEDiJLE OF FEES FOR ELECTRIGAL, PERMITS AND IN- <br />SPECTIONS, PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE d1ND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE <br />DATE. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARISs <br />Section 1. That gection 9 of ordinance No. 1274, adopted <br />November 10, 1952, as amended by ordinance N0.123 9, adopted March <br />149 1955, be, and the same is hereby, amended to- 5trike out the phrase <br />IfFifty ($50.00) Dollars" wherever the sarne appears and insert in lieu <br />thereof the phrase "Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars", it being the purpose <br />and intention of this amendment to change from Fifty ($50.00) Dollars <br />to Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars the amount of the annual fee for the li- <br />censing of Electrical Contractors. <br />Section 2. That Section 10 of ordinance No. 1274, adopted <br />November 10, 1952, as amended by ordinance N0.13 3 8, adopted March <br />149 1955, be, and the same is hereby, amended to stri=ke out the phrase <br />t'Ten ($10.00) Dollars" wherever the same appears and insert in lieu <br />thereof the phrase "Five ($5.00) Dollars", it bcing the purpose and <br />intention of this amendment to change from Ten ($10.00) Dollars to <br />pive ($5.00) Dollars the amount of the annual fee for the registration <br />of Journeyman Electricians. <br />5ection 3. The schedule of fees for permits and inspections <br />stipulated and set out in Section 15 of ordinance No. 12742 adopted <br />November 10, 19520 is hereby changed and amended to rsad as follows; <br />(a) 5ervice $ 2.00 <br />(In addition to the $2.00 service charge there <br />shall be an additional fee of ten cen ts for <br />each outlet, including wall switches) <br />(b) Electrical Ranges= <br />(1) Old Residences 2.00 <br />(2) nlew Residences .10 <br />(c) Hot Water Heaters= <br />(1) pld Residences 2.00 <br />(2) New Residences .10 <br />(d) glectrical and Neon gigns 2.00 <br />(e) Electrical Motors= <br />(1) 1/3 H.P. or less No fee <br />(2) pver 1/3 H.P. but not exceeding 5 H.p. 2.00 <br />(3) For each H.P. in excess of 5 H.P. .10 <br />(f) picture Machines 2.00 <br />(g) Decorative Window Lighting 2.00 <br />(h) Each re-inspection 2.00 <br />(i) For any electrical device not listed above 1.00 <br />(j) There is hereby established a minimura electrical <br />permit fee of $2.00, provided, however, that <br />there shall be no fee for a perrnit covering <br />not more than three (3) wall outlets. <br />Section 4. A11 ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict <br />with any provision of this ordinance are hereby repealed. <br />