(ri) Aloi;ses hrzvin~- l;ciliefied retmleir.i pas ni.-)inFY i,nder tahe
<br />Tround f? nor -ind ha.v; nc- i ront;n„o>>F! or enclosed founda-
<br />t.i_on !7ni7.J ha.ue ade<>>aat.e f*ents -k,hru t~e fo,.ind.atjon on a7..1
<br />,-;des +o rrev~~rt t,r-ie acc~im~il~t:;on of ~as e^ I r. ha.za..rdoi,~z
<br />CC`l'1CeP.f i'a.tlnn•
<br />(1) n?a+.uraJ_ rih-er nr 1F qther, ln.r..l>>dinf- rubber hose, sna'i.l.
<br />-,nt. I-,e_ li-ed •,+;Pre in an-- man.ner e?rr>o5ed ±:n the solvent.
<br />art,inn of 1i;.117t?'FiE;d "?et.X'(,,lpi)~r-: r*:~~,
<br />6.1, fT"e nf r'f,1Yl+ajnprc Tncl d P 111l1.1 d jTI T:
<br />R-7 1r.rrit,t,en -ermi -sion of the 7; re r-"a.rshal ,nor+.3h]..e l i<7uefied r..etr(-)leum
<br />•^as -ort.~?.iner5 r!ajT bP i,sed hvt not. st,cred 7rs;de of a "u?_ldarU- --ren re-
<br />~~,~ired fl:el s,arr.,l~r cont..a,iner for TTndex^--r;+,ers Taborator^r ar)L)roved
<br />t.oT'rr!.@S hE;7.2'1c, t?.reri i1'l +;f18 cpPst.T'!J.Ct•10t1x 2'e?;8.l.if' OT' imnY'OVP.Tf!8rt: nl +hE3
<br />~-i7i1_d'tri- '?T' "i rtlr-tt7T'E: 8,P1d -',+,5 flX}UI"ec a.YICJ P(n.?1_pT112ntl (?7' fOZ' !?~h.P,T' 'LTl-
<br />!jl.)str7?l ~7SeS. St1f C1 inst'..;0.?At'.iorS sI'.a1.1 -ojpn]zr t.ritP; t.HIe f0ll0!^!7_ri."
<br />3dditi^n-7. re->>lrement~=:
<br />(a) Remilator ^ha1l P,P mnrected ~ire~t7.~t.c (r-1ir.der 'imlve~7.
<br />(b) ^on+ainPrs shall nc7t 'nqve ,.n a.~-rrreF,at.e r,3naCi1;-- ir excess
<br />of 1.00 no,ir.d-.
<br />`-,~h r~or±.-,iners, ~,rh-i?e '-.einc~ used ;n n maiidinQ siial1 ncrf;
<br />be „laced s(-,, ±.'„3t: t.he,,r ^re tr exce,>sive ri_ses ;n
<br />+.emrera.±.ure, rrn ciiani.c.a.? In iiirt:r, rr to ta.mr.erin~- h~r „r_
<br />il'±.hc~ri zPd nrson^. ,
<br />6.6 S;_ze of r'on±ainers:
<br />Conta;_ners ~ar~er +.han or;e t.h~-jj^arrj rlOrii'~) _ater crallons ra.pa.citT- shall.
<br />not he ere^t,ed, inmtalled nr ised. 1'rov;ded +h~7)t t.tii:> rest;r;ctinn
<br />°ha11 not he ~nn?i.c~~le tc) t.hose r-ont,air,ers a,tta,cned to and ~,ised n.r;
<br />lret.4-1 e~. for ±ta,n,.:;rc,rtq.tinr T,tirpose=, ar;ri rrovi.ded -f)lrtner ±1._at cor.-
<br />
<br />~ner-: iar-er t,h-.r cne t.hnllsand (7_000) "aaJ on- c-ra.-a±7.- m-~r k~e
<br />~,~t.r~ori ze~? ~r~ ~ r~t a? ?ed c~r~?• fte~^ a, nnl ~_c:~r± ?~a o,,t,a ined -rd r,re_
<br />._gnt.gt? t.(? t{"?P -i Op2r ^7± v C>f fi nl? 1 ^ q•.r?'1t t,P,r? ?T?p7Y?Va.l nf ~'zt' Ch l Tl--
<br />t'lti.OFl 1-t, t,he ('Y1lgf Ia.nr-irP,P,'C nf f,Y1P 't,*it:@ TnSi;r3I1^(,' IrOP!-
<br />m-; Ss
<br />i (}n ?pyl 1~~. ±.bP !,i PP!'f:C1Y' !-Tf' t hp. r 1r;t7Pflleri "Pt T'O!P'inl !'r.1c Il;V1.Si.oI1
<br />of t,h? ~?a-ilr~~ci :'ommi.,;;i„n „f
<br />6. ry ,,,d;,.istmer.t, ,hf?nrre, and
<br />'".(j?')Rt71ient,`?~ rhaT'lP'P^, (li" ;1]4',t;mt.?nr,^ lTl f',h? '3 ^.r,e,-so.r:ie- , d P`r7..CP_"~
<br />ref-_zlat:o.r- -~r.d -afet.- deTrre' of ?;:-lvefied -w:+.roleuTM~ .^.ontai~ers
<br />`"h911 T1[lt h(. 1?tpdE P','f;P.L',t h,r }„h0S," *ercnr)" f`r fi Y'?"^ a17+.}'lc't'7.?P,d Y1ZI, %?.TICj
<br />1?'! t„rIP, m.').nr@'1"' nT'G'srrib@d L..,~ ±}`t.P, T`iflP,-' ^.T1C --idOrt,E;d h,. +f9P
<br />ai1T'naC? '-•Ai1?.TCiG.~=~'ic'!n C~l T2'r^'? ip Ti,{S11P,fi_Pd ?'(:tZ'O~P17Tn Tl,x;ke+. n?C~. 1.
<br />!TIT _ mrqn,=fer of T;quefied ?'etroleum
<br />G~.s '.rr~m (`me Vehi_c]_e +.o Another.
<br />?;ca7.aeried -e+. rol.e?zm -a^. .7hali nc?#, he t.ransferred f'rcm one Ue:.'Acle to
<br />-nrn+her --ithin the ^ornorate iimit.s, nf the Cit,y of Paris exr.eUt an case of emergenc~r
<br />transfer majr l)e m;a,de unc3er the super~r.'Lsic-r of the 7.-ire ?nsne(ytor o.r Fi.re
<br />DennT"tT2?1+,. T'TQ llqllE?f1E?d n(,'t,Z'Ol@lll?' -:?,S ^rla'l_ h8 di.,,n°pSed fI'OP.7 t,SP?k t,ro;,ki (?7'
<br />i a?'!~•' f.I't3.?.IP.r{' j-,c, rC)tl ,17*!12?^ V8 1i^lG'S Q?" 1''~.?'?kS.
<br />WTT- 'T'7`ariGnnri-..,4ti.nn,
<br />n0rSt.7'1.7C:1".! nn =i??d OI:1Pr?"l(ir! of 'iTeh; CY1.P.~.
<br />^l1 ^~~~-aipg?^S ap(-? VC'C1iCl.e5 i7S@CI fOt' riaUli;'!!' 07' t.1^anSnt:)l"f.irtr liC71]E,'77_Pd
<br />ET, .rol_e?im tlv4?r tile .St,~p+.-,, ^~l lP--`? oT^ ^1_t}11 7 r +,f1o7'O'.J`-?hf'arg c C?f {;h(,
<br />oi+,*- -F Pari=' qhalI he d6Sj_f'YlE?d.9 CnnS+,y^'r1;2? ^nrl nrE;',"a,tP(j lFt a,rrOT'd8.1'1C6
<br />^',i';~i^!'1Pd ?'r~m1l3t.inpc, f~1T` t.{'1P, ~Ps;i ~.T~. r.n~.,~}rir',nr~ `+?l~ C},`E:1'?t:7C?T?
<br />r
<br />