provESnents herein ordered for the streets designated above
<br />and portions thereof have been completed and accepted by the
<br />City of Paris, the aznount of the assessment against each
<br />prcperty abutting thereon and ttie real and true ovaner. thereof shall be
<br />and become payoble in five (5) equal annual installments, due respectively
<br />thirty (30) days after one (1), twc (2), three (3), four (4) and five (5)
<br />years frorn the date of acceptance by the City, together with interest on
<br />each installment from saicl date of acceptance until paid at the rate of
<br />six per cent (6,%) per annum, payable annually; provided, however, that the
<br />owners of any of said prcperty 5ha11 have the privileGe cf payir:g all or
<br />any of said installmcnts at any time before maturity thereof by payiny the
<br />total amount of the principal of such installrnents, together with the in-
<br />terest accrued thereon to the date of payment. Further, ii default be
<br />made in tne paymEr,t of any of said installments of principal or interest
<br />prompily as the same mature, theri at the option of the City of Paris, the
<br />entire arnount of the assessraent upon wl-:icn default is nlade, together wlith
<br />reasonable attorneyts fees and all cellec'Lion costs incurred, shall be and
<br />become imraediately due and payable.
<br />V
<br />Sectiori 4. n hearing snall be ileld and given to the real atzi true
<br />ovJriers thereof, and all owniny or clairnir.g any interesi in any property
<br />abuttiirig upan said streets within the limits above defir.ed as to the
<br />assessments and as tc the arnount to be assessed against each parcel of
<br />abutting property and the real and true otvners thereof as to the special
<br />benefits, if any, to said property to be received from said improvements,
<br />and concerning any error, invalidity or irregularity in any proceedings or
<br />contract with reference thereto, which hearing shail be held by the City
<br />Council of 'r'aris, Texas, at 7:00 otclock P. M., on the 22nd day of
<br />October , 1956, at which time and place all persons, firms, corpora-
<br />tions or estates ovdning or claiming any such abuttir.y property, or in-
<br />terest therein, their agents, or attorneys, shall be notified to appear
<br />and to be heard in person, or by counsel, and may offer evidence; and the
<br />City Ivianager of the City of Paris, Texas, is hereby directed to give
<br />netice of said hearing by publication of notice in the Paris i;ews, a news-
<br />paper of general circulation in the City of Paris, Texas; said notice shall
<br />be pubiished at least three times in said newspaper before the date set
<br />for hearing, the first of wfiicn shall be ai least ten days prior to the
<br />date of said hearing, and sucti na-lice by publication siiall be valid and
<br />sufficient, witnout any furt}ier form or character af notice.
<br />Section 5. Following sucti heaxing as above provided, assessments
<br />will be levied against such abuttinc, property and the real and true owners
<br />thereof, as hereinabove specified and provided, to be payable as herein-
<br />above specified and provided.
<br />5ection 6. This ordinance shall become efLective immediately upon
<br />passaae.
<br />Passed and ado~~ b~r tY-ie City Council of the City of Paris on this
<br />~ day of ~,»~t~ ~ 1956.
<br />Ialayor f'n'o
<br />ATTEST:
<br />City Clerlc.
<br />APPROvED AS Tv lOR1ui:
<br />~
<br />
<br />City R~;tcrney.
<br />~ Y ~
<br />