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-rCTTON 5. The assessmPn+s iA1ried ir. Section ? a.bove are for a porti on <br />of the costs o-F said imnrovenen±s i.n the streets and lznits therei.n set <br />olit whi ch are inr.l?ided ; n 5ai d orc?i nan.r,e enact?d A,irnzst 13, J 956, an(i <br />tne a.ssessments for ±he 9.mprove4nents i.n :Ga.?d li.nits are in nc? r.e- <br />lated to, n.r c.-nnerted w?th, tr,P imnravmentc or assessments in any <br />otner of the stree+s nr units Oesr.zibed ;n sai_d ordi.nanr.e; and, in l.evy-. <br />i_nrY said assessmen±s the amoun.+ s~ assesse(l. for the imprc?vemen±s in <br />Sd' Ci tZSl7_ tS}'tc-!V r~ h PP7l in p nWiC P i3f f P_.C tA~ bl,T dTt\T f dCt OY' th.l riCf Tl c3I1V W3V <br />cOl?ilP(+fP,i t,r^ri, i-}- i?71pT'04P1T1P2''fs) C??" thF? dSS2SST11E?7ltS +'hPY'P.fOx 711 dll}T <br /> <br />~t1,er -fi Ga~ (i ~~n. ~.+s, ~._he omis5ian nf the i.mrrov,=3-nents _in anv of said <br />streetC or uni ts a.s a who1. e s14r11 i n nowise affert nox imrair the va- <br />ij datv of the assessmentc i n any other of saici units anri the omi5si.on <br />of the amnrovEner±s i.n a.nv nari-ir.,.ilar st.reet nr -,,n,'t i_n fxnn± of <br />nasr.el of pronert-!r PX,-m-t- from the li_en o{ siich assessments, nr aaai^st <br />which a valio' pronertv assessmen± cannot ]_evied., shatl in nowise <br />affect nor iTnnair the va? of the assPSSmen±s acra.inst th? O'~hex <br />prorex'ti e.s ?n suc~h linit. <br />i.c3 ;mr,.rovcxne-ts sha.l]. be r,ai,ri as fol)_aws, <br />SF;C'TTC'iPd 6. !'hP (-o,qts o~ qa <br />to-wi t : <br />(a) The City sha1l natr all of the rosts of draina<xe i.nsta].lations, <br />wherever Pds if an•-, al l th P rost,-; of excavat i on, has e <br />nrenaration an-? -a.vinn wit'li.n street ?,ntersecti.ons, an(9 not <br />1 ess than on.e_third o4 the r_.osts of e.xr.avati,on, base nrenara- <br />tior. and navin- nf a11 other rorti ans of the streets i.P,VOJ. VPd, <br />T^. C'dSP,S 141lP1"P 'Et'lP !'ii'v ~''c'i,•nC'1~. u1aV r1PErTl 1t l i.1S'{': d11d T?T'OnPx', <br />±}1e r;ha1 J a1 Gn nair aJ.] ar ar-v na.r. t of ±he amount of anz* <br />r,recJited adiu.stmert whirh rniy he a].lowed ir. the assessmen± <br />of ab„ttinn- rl-Or`PrtJ.eS anca the oUmer fihereof, as har. ein nro-- <br />tri.derl, fo_r th- r.ost of excavatian, nasP nrerara±i on and. <br />r,a,•; Tr-, and of ;-s±~l).atinn of c„-.hs ard mATers. The xe-- <br />ITla1P].Pc+ COStS nf all Silt`~i i_i;tproVE'T:?En.f Sl'!a1.l. ha nai c) h~- tnP <br />T?''OY)F`;'tv abt?f"{"inrr Si1C}i n0y-1-l nil O"F 531d St7'PP.tS d?lC3 1"bE? <br />OWfI°Y'S thP,TPp*.:, <br />fr) mhP remaardar of thA cosfs nl .911rh imnr.ove*^ena-s sh.a1.I be <br />assPSSAc3. ;kcrai^st ±hP xesnecl-;.ve ablitt;.nrT and the <br />real an,~ ±xne own exs ±h.ereof ; n ar.r,ordance wi +h the Gtatu.tes <br />7~F '11°X;cZS d7lCi. thP. C}?aY'tP,]' O4 t'ti?P `~1;'- pf UaX'].S tl-7'P,1'?. Z'P.- <br />fPrred ±o, 14o assPSSme_^,.± 31-La11 hP mad.e acra.inst an,.; arntfi*.:- <br />pronex±-- or Thp .rea.l and tr.7,.e awner th°'"P.Of for costs ;.n <br />excess of tr- bPnPf;±c tn rronert-, ;r, Pnha.r,ce vallze <br />thexenf '^y means of slzch improv,~nient. 'i'tte amoiants ot s»ch <br />assessmentg Gha1' r„nnst; t-i''e a f-rst an-' nri o?- lie^ -ipon a.l_l. <br />.>>,C}t nx'OpPr1-; P.,; a'?ci d T?PT';;on,al 11?b1.llf"'-' Of +l- i`r„p Ind <br />Y' c'8. l pTnl?' c'Y' S t.E` r'T' °Of, Wti! P+bPI COXrE?f" f' 1,,. -a,j?Z nd p3^ ^ p+' , a" <br />9haJ_7. 'na r,=~~Tan1_P ;-!!1+,q.1)_mnn+s as fol?ows: b;lhen t!?e im_ <br />nYOvF?7"2!1{"S 1-larP.'r, nY'df?rpti {=nT' tl-iP S"FrP,^tg dP.SI`"`^-t-Cj abOVP <br />;ind nor±;o^s t~?Areaf hav- bAer. ncymnle+Pd anI accented. hz* t~.e <br />C;t7r of- Paris, the arnonr± of ±ho asseasment a7,ai-?st each <br />r,rppp?'i-t* ah~i";-,rY t'}?PT'?O^ 1'I-?E'' XE,'31 32l!~ t:C'.?P OW"2]' <br />S}1?1 l 1"?P c Il,~ S7E'COm,? pa''aba. P I.P. F~ "P (F) ~'-1.^.'1'1al <br />1;^S'{_alll?1°^t,S, dt•f-' ]"nSrlnct;uol-- {-ni-i-Z* olr3.VS c3f't'c?S' O,'ic? <br />(1). two fouY (,I) an-I f;ve (5) vears fror <br />t'~- ryt - of 1cc'er?ta-trP ?-,t- +•1, T.; 1 ±oCrpyL±PY ,.Ti.tti' i t~t erPsi- <br />^'1 ^~C~'! '^.St?l~mr~,_a. ty-Ol?! ~ C?r?1P ^'P ,ar-F?p1-%2T).r'e ''^~1~. Y)r.i <br />a+ p.,.~ t„ 7f SlY, p2r CcA,+- l~' ! t »e7' a.^' nc.''dl'?IE' <br />?n^'1r3~ ~'.r; 11Y'nv' ,aE,.~ '-c•:.F,.,cr f j-17a+ r' G)L~T1 E'T.^* nt c~;I'* n C ga <br />tl, c or na- ' n- al1 or o' <br />ca' d i°^~~l IInF,Xi+S a+ a^t* L].?".° bE?fOT'E' 3??<?t"Ylt;' thG'"P.Of btr <br />na•-; r- thP +ctal amo--n+ -,f the principal. -)t ~7izo-h install- <br />men±s, ±oexether ;_-4t'-i the ar.terest 3.CCYued trezenn to the <br />da±e cf r-,r'-hex, i-r defarlt be r.:ade ir the pa-rr,tent <br />a.f, anv of sa; d i nstall nents of or interest promptly <br />as t'- same mature, then a.f: the optior, of the {:ity ef Pari s, <br />*he entire amount of the a.ssessmen± tinon which default is <br />rnadP, tc~-xether with reason-ble attorr~r's fees and all <br />coll.ection costs in.c,, shall be and becomP immecliatelv <br />dile ario? r3yable. <br />