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payable in installments as follows: When the improvements <br />herdn ordered fcr the street designated above have been com- <br />pleted and accepted 'oy the City of Paris, the amount of the <br />assessment against each property abutting thereon ana, the real <br />and i,rue oti,mer thereof sha1l pe and become payable in five (5) <br />equal annual installments, due respectivel thirty (30) days <br />aiter one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4) and iivc (5) years <br />frcm the date o.i acceptance by the City, together with inter- <br />est on each installment froYn said date cl acceptanc~:,~ until paid <br />at the rate of six per cent (6~) per annum, payable annually; <br />nrcvideu, however, that the ouvners of any of said property <br />shall have thc privilege of paying all or any of said install- <br />ments at any time before raaturity thereoi by payir~g the tcta_l <br />amount oi the principal of suciz instal_lments, together with the <br />irzterE::st accrueu thereon to the date oi payment. Further, ii <br />defaul t be mac:e in the pay:nent c.`' any cl said installments of <br />principal or interest prornptIy as the same rriature, then at the <br />optLon of the City of i'aris, the en-tire amount of the assess- <br />ment upon vrhich default is macze, together titiTith reasonable <br />attorrieyt s fees and all collection costs incurred, shall Qe <br />and beccrrle ii:li^leaiately due and pavable. <br />Section 4. A nearing shall be held and given t:,o the <br />real and true owners *,nerecf, and all oti,mynz or claiming any <br />interest in any property abutting upon said street within the <br />limii,s abcve defineU as to the assessments ano as to the amount <br />to be assessed against each parccl of abutting property anci the <br />real and true owners tnerecf as to the special benefits, if <br />an;T, to sai;z pronerty t•o be received frorn saict improvenlents, <br />and concerning any errcr, i_nvalidz ty, or irregularity in any <br />nroceedin;s or contract with reference tnereof, ti,rhi chhearirg <br />shali oe held by the City Counc:i.l of I'aris, laxas, at 7:00 <br />o'cloc'{ P. 1. on the lith day ci' Yebruary, A. li., 1957, at <br />which time and place ali per.sons, f_irms, corporatians, or <br />estates owming or clairning any such abui,ting nroperty, or <br />i_nterest therein, their agEnts, or attorneys, shall 'rae noti- <br />f:ied to appEar and to be heard in person, or 'ay caunsel, anci <br />may offer evide:nce; and the City nanager of the City o:i Paris, <br />`::'exas, is hereb;j d.irected_ 'co give not:i:ce oi said hearing by <br />pu'olication of notice in the Paris Wews, a newspaper of general <br />circulation in the Ci -Ly of t'aris, T,xas; said notice shall 'oe <br />published at least three times in sa:Ld newspaper 'oefore the <br />date set for hearing, the firs! of wnich sha11 pe at leas.t ten <br />days prior to the date oi sa:ia hearin;, and such notice by <br />publication shall be valid and sufficient, without any further <br />form or character of r:otice. <br />Sect,ion 5. rollowinz; such hearing as above provided, <br />assessments will be levied against such abutting proPertyT and <br />the real anci true owners thereof, as hereina'pove specified and <br />provided, to be payable as hereina'pot=e specified ancl provided. <br />Section 6. This ordinance shall become effective <br />immeJ.iately upon passage. <br />Passeci and adopted by the Citv Council of tht. City a F' <br />Pari s, on thi s the 2 3 th day af J antzary, A. D., 1957. <br />, <br />May o r <br />; ,,~~I, <br />~:1 :J 1,~ 1 : <br />Citv cler <br />AF'PJtiOU E1? AS `l i i i)~~~T: <br /> <br />C;+y At,~orney. <br />