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Yay 36, 19">0 <br />F'Rt`)`i_23TINI(~ i:.d~EINLLCEN`P 0I+' ~..L;NING t>RI'i:CN;iPdCE <br />TCl 'I~-iE H~)I~~i)n.:.tsLI~; i~r;:iYiit~ <:(\r "'ITy iU;~C~L 01 THL :';ITY OF` t'~'~RTS: <br />~U-PT;S, the ("itY Courici l&iic? the Honorable i4TaJor of the City <br />of Faris nGve been requas ued io amend the Ioning Urdinance re]_a.tive to <br />that i)ro.)erty located at the corner of ronharn Str•eet and SetiTenth >tre,et <br />extendinf; for 100 feet on the South side of Isonhum Street anci <br />exten.din ; 110 feet on the West siae of Seventh Street S. <br />Ttie unc3er•si?ned, citizens of Yaris and owners of property on <br />Bonham Street, Street S. an(i vicinity, with the nunner of <br />feet listecd, op~)osite the~r si;natures f'rom the properly above dascribec3, <br />hf.lieved to be rnvriec] hv the ':f. Price rst«te, arid in connection with <br />-wliich an amandmezit to the Gonin,~ Ordinance is sou=~ht, c3o Y-ierebY pro- <br />test ttle adoption of' atiy aiTiendment, supplement or chunge of the 'Loning <br />Urditiance authorizirig ttie use and occupancur of tiie propert.y above de- <br />scribed anci bc;l.ieved to belon; to tne G. i~!. Price :;state located at <br />No. 707 Bonham Street as a comrnercial district, for cor;irnercial purposes <br />o-ther tnan as perinitted by the ordinance in a residential disi;rict and <br />in connection with a nome. <br />