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For paying interest and creating a sjnking f"und for CITY OF <br />PAR15, TEXAs TIME wvxRNANTS, 5eries 1949, on each and 6very One <br />Hundred llollars worth of property situated witYti.n the corporate <br />limits of the (:ity of Paris and subject to taxation, a tax of v .09 <br />Sewer Construction Bonds, aeries 1936, for paying the <br />interest and creating a sinkirag fund therefor, on each and every <br />One Hundred llollars vorth of property situated within the corporate <br />limits of the Vity of Paris and subject to taxation., a tax of 30pa5 <br />U 5 <br />Section 2. There is also levied and ordered to be collected against <br />each and every person, firm or corporation pursuing an occupation within the <br />corporate limits of the City of Parisp except levy of same is exactly <br />forbidcien by general law, an occupation tax and license tax equal to one-half <br />(1/2) of that levied by the Otate of Texas against such occupation. It is <br />understood that this pravision applies to each and every occupation upon <br />which the State of Texag levies a tax and fixes a license fee and only to <br />such occupations. <br />Secti.on 3. 't'he City Tax Assessor and Gollector of the City of Paris <br />is hereby directed to assess., extend and enter upon the tax ralls of the <br />City of Paris., Texas, for the current taxable year,$ the anwunts and rates <br />herein levied and to keep a correct account of sameJ* and the ta;)es herein <br />levied shall be collected as provided by the Charter of the City of Paris <br />, <br />Texas, and the laws of the 6tate of Te:~as; and when so collected, same shall <br />be deposited in the depository of the City of Paris to be distributed in <br />accordance with ordinance. <br />Section 4. Discounts for the payment of ad valorem taxes due the City <br />of Paris for the year 1950., shall be allowed upon the following conditions: <br />(a) Three per oent (3%) discount on ad valorem taxes due for the year <br />1950, shall be allowed if such taxes are paid in the month of Octoberj, 1950. <br />(b) Two per cent (2%) discount on ad valorem taxes due for the year <br />1950 shall be allomd if such taxes are paid in the morrth of November., 1950. <br />(c) One per cerit (l%) discount on ad valorem taxes due for the year <br />1950., 3ha7-1 be allowed if such taxes are paid in the mDtzth of December., 1950. <br />section 5. a71 ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith <br />are hereby expressly repealed. <br />This ordinance shall be and reruain in fu11 force and effect from and <br />after its passage and approval by the City Council of the City of Paris. <br />