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TO TAE IMAAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS: <br />Now comes R. T. Russell, and respeetfully ahows the following: <br />I. <br />That he is the owner of the following described property situated in <br />Lamar County, Texas, within the corporate limits of the City of Paris, on <br />Clarksville Street, to--wit: <br />Being part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Stellrose Addition to the City of <br />Paris, Texas; a part of the Geo. W. Cox Survey. <br />Beginning at the interseetion of the North boundary line of Clarksville <br />Street with the West boundary line of 24th Street SE. <br />Thence in a Northwesterly direction with the NB line of Cla3rksville <br />Straet, 85 feet, a stake; <br />Thence North 100 feet, a stake; <br />Thence in a SouthWesterlp direction, 85 feet to a stake in the WB line <br />of 24th Street SE; <br />Thence South with the WB line of ?.l;th Street ~)E, 100 feet to the place <br />of beginning. <br />The above deseribed property is situated within the "Residential District " <br />as defined b,y provisions of Ordinance No. 1122 of the City of Paris and within <br />the area designated as a"Residential District" by the map accompanying said <br />Ordinance to a non-conforming use. <br />II. <br />Appliaent in eomplianae with Ordinance No. 1122 of the Cit,y of Paris, <br />requests that the abote described property be designated as a oommercial dis- <br />triot and that the ordinance of the City of Paris be changed to estsblish said <br />property as a commercial distriat. Request is made that in oomp].fbnce with the <br />existing ordinance of the City of Paris, notice be given to the citizena of the <br />Cit,y of Paris of such proposed change and o£ a public meeting to be held in <br />conneetion, such notioe to state the time, place and natureof sueh <br />public hearing, such public hearing not to be held earliwthan twenty-one (21) <br />days from the date of the firat publication of saicl notice; that such notiae <br />be puhlished in the official paper of the Citg of Paris once a week for three <br />eortsecutive weeks and after public hearing in connection therec,rith, that the <br />above described property and premises be designated and establighed as a comm- <br />ercial district instead of a"Residential District". <br />Applicant <br />