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<br />Y ~
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<br />.
<br />_ . Adlkk)!
<br />i.,
<br />~ ~jv y4
<br />~ w..w..x
<br />1-i
<br />h:~L5 k.;P.et,, f11.ed `,i'la C'lt,y Qf i ciT'1S
<br />, .."t .
<br />tO C~~la21i2 ';he ~UT1Iil.T'd1Tla1'1Ce 171 z'ES;-~uCt~ tG ;,~?UT aT'1P.S
<br />affecting t:te , ropl--rty and lot at soutrhwest intersection
<br />c~,f <<A:,ix Avenue anu i11i t. :'treet fronting 85 feet on
<br />:;venue -L r,u ~e;;tri ~~f :;:I ~'eet on ""1 st .._>treet
<br />an.::er t,~~e t,r•e:;erit "c;nin`r urainance is now designated
<br />as a ~~esic:iential :.iistriei; ; _,nc±,
<br />~VE: .,~-,l,,D t?::e o~aner•,. s;-11~!;a, J.,:~.~1L;gan ~tila
<br />Iv:rs. i,.orri~" _~.Cass, have re-juesteu ~i_ty ~-';(.),zncil to amend
<br />trle i reserit t.iinanc? s I-Ici lo* .•ai.l1 be embraced
<br />in t:ie Gomxnercial llistrict, ds ciesi~rrlated arid ciefiried in the
<br />Zoning; Urdinance :
<br />Jotice is ,reb~- ,e ;I_tzzer7s
<br />i_ ° h°Zd
<br />_ fC~'. ~lE?aT'll7E'' 1S h2~@t:: Ca7 _'C'• =iY1,r1'l b
<br />at- ~e. r•et-;ial.c.r .,iwer,in~. _;:itu,r ~~~~)uncil a.t ;.onda,y,
<br />Hall ir, ^f } aris,
<br />rc' 1 ~ iexas, to
<br />, , i .
<br />consiuer all rnatter~. ir: cc ;i.on ~;aith such _-ro-1-osed a-- , endment.
<br />:;)f the Iity :;ouncil cf tl,,e ~i.r,y cf F'aris,
<br />
<br />I'exas a t~i: da-of ~'ebruary, ",.J.195 .
<br />H . ti . i'a rchman
<br />T..a yc r .
<br />ii l' e C, .7 ~ :
<br />e 1 t on
<br />~
<br />