<br />~ ~A ~
<br />Martha Class Has Lumber YarA; thenee South ta the portion of the abovr deecribed terri-
<br />S. B. line of Lamar Avenue; thence tory and prpverty lying South of the
<br />East with the S. B. line of Lamar center line of Lamar Avenue (U, S.
<br />Supper Meeting Ave. to the present City limit corner; Highway No. 82) and the same is
<br />thence Soutri 187 feet, an existing hereby incorporated in said Ward One
<br />City limit corner; thence East to an of the City of Paris: and that the
<br />existing City limit corner; thence present boundaries of Ward Four of
<br />Monthly repoi'ts Of committee South to the N. B. line of Brookside the City of Paris be and the same
<br />Addition; thence East with the N. B. are heieby extended so as to em-
<br />ehairmen &rid gPOUp eaptains were line of Brookside Addition, a corner brace and include all that pOrtion of
<br />gIVOri at the business lri@etin 8nd of said addition; thence in a south- the above described territory and
<br />g easterly direction with the E. B. line Property lying North of the center
<br />covered dish SllppeP hCld TllPS- of Brookside Addition to the place of line of Lamar Avenue (U. S. High-
<br />d8y night by the Martha C18SS Of beginning. wa,y No. 82) and the came is hereb.y
<br />First Baptist Church. The meet- The inhabitants within said annexed incorporated in said Ward Four of
<br />lllg Wgg held at the home Of MTS, territor,y are and shall hereafter be the City of Paris.
<br />James Wakefield, 1211-21St SE, entitled to enjoy all the rights, privi- Section 3. The City Engineer is
<br />leges and immunities of citizens of hereb,y instructed to make a complete
<br />with Mrs. Carl Golden 83 CO-hOSt- the City of Paris, and all laws, ordi- survey of the above described terri-
<br />eSS. nances, rules, resolutions, acts, and tory and to mark the boundaries
<br />regulations, of said cit,y now in force thereof py proper monuments; and to
<br />FOIlOW1Ilg the reports, secret in said City of Paris, and that mav survey, establish arid open, under the
<br />pals for the past IYSOrith were TQ- be hereafter passed, shall be and are in direction of the City Manager, all
<br />vealed and a "swap" night full force nd effect in said territory ' streets, roads, alleys and ways in said
<br />hereby annexed and admitted. I territoiy dedicated to public use; and
<br />panned fOP the ri2Xt meeting Section 2. That the present bounda- to make and file with the City Clerk
<br />Wti1Ch will be held May 15 at the ries of Ward One of the City of Paris a complete ma,y of said newl,y an-
<br />2lOID1B Of Mrs. C. J. Stubblefield, be and the saine are hereby extended I nexed territor,y showing all propert.y I
<br />830-19th SE, With Mrs. Ray Her- so as to embrace and include all that lines, lots and tracts therein, together
<br />ron as co-hostess.
<br />41 . i
<br />with the nnmee of the ownera of
<br />same, and ail streets, alle,ys roads and
<br />ways dedicated to public use; and to
<br />immediately correct the map of the
<br />City of Paris so as to add thereto
<br />the additional territory described
<br />herein, indicating on such map tlie
<br />date of annexation, the number of the
<br />ordinance and reference to the min-
<br />utes or ordinance records of the City
<br />of Paris where such instrument is
<br />recorded in full.
<br />Section 4. The City Tax a,~kessor
<br />and collector of taxes of the City of
<br />Paris is hereby directed to list all lots,
<br />tracts and property situated in said
<br />annexed territor,y on the tax rolls of
<br />the City of Paris and hereafter to
<br />assess same for taxes in accordance
<br />with law.
<br />Section 5 This ordinance shail be•
<br />come effective upon final passage.
<br />Introduced at a regular meeting of
<br />the City Counci] of the City of Paris
<br />on April 9, 1951, and vassed and ap-
<br />proved, after publication as provided
<br />in the Charter of the City of Paris,
<br />at a regular meeting of the City
<br />Council of the City of Paris..
<br />06
<br />Twenty were
<br />' py
<br />present, including ed Iri Sa1C1 COUriLy:'~IA'1' a i'0 e'CIIe Wltlll ariCl Y01'eguitig CiLatau,l
<br />one $uest; Mrs, _ Raymond Wil- ,
<br />liams of Commerce. . , , . , . . ,
<br />blished in said newspaper„ such
<br />Schaat Chorus Sings
<br />8y Paris News Correspondent
<br />HI-OMM - The Blossom High
<br />Schtud Choral Club gave a grogram
<br />of religious musie, Sunday night
<br />at Oe Methfldist Church. This was
<br />dlreded by Mrs. C. B. Long, and
<br />tl*'P&st*r. the Rev. A: L. Vaughan,
<br />FrOchad aftlrward.
<br />An prdinance annexing, adlhitting
<br />and incorporatitig additionad territory
<br />in Lamar County lying adiacent to
<br />thq City of Paris; Texas, into and -as
<br />a isart'ot aaid City af Paris, extiend-
<br />fng the bbundary 'limits of the City
<br />t►f k'2u'is eo as t4 lnclude and embrace
<br />Aald' adjaicent territory, conferring all
<br />rights, , privilegre and immunities of
<br />C#tSaexiship ugpn the inhabitants of
<br />6atd territory, extending the bounda-
<br />rieu oi Ward One and Ward Four so
<br />3t4f1)W embraee aIId lnclude said terri-
<br />kOMM: *und' incorporating same in Ward
<br />- od Vlyard Foytr of said city, pro-
<br />"gkirlg,thAt all`ordlnancea, rules, regu-
<br />zid. Jaws in et#ect -ia the City
<br />•Jta~r3 that may Hereafter be
<br />i~' !i[t1'' tores and effect in
<br />lWqt erritory aiter passage of this
<br />crSlinat►ce, inctrpCting the'Cit,y Engin-
<br />SdC te► nake a sruveq iixing and es-
<br />$iihitshiag the boundary limits of said
<br />o#O La accordance herewith and to
<br />+e001ftUct a' comDlete map of such
<br />tWStoTY fisotviag streets, alleys, lots,
<br />trOCCxaa , and Droperty owners and to
<br />iiTt ;da1ne with the City Clerk and to
<br />Ovrt"Nkt t2to map af 'the City of paris
<br />•R ap to . add such territor.y' thereto;
<br />anti ~rinatructing the City Asaessor and
<br />C61 ' of Taxes to liat all propertY
<br />taetidtn and' place , alame on the tax
<br />RopIE ot tha ` City .ot Pskria and here-
<br />a~et, ,asnie same for. taxea in accord-
<br />ingd by the City Council
<br />of Paris:
<br />That the iollowing de-
<br />itory in Lamar County,
<br />adjacent to the present
<br />ntta ot the City of Paris
<br />sarne is hereby annexed
<br />i! p8ris and admitted into
<br />loa o! .euch City, and is
<br />! and: cqnstiLuted a part
<br />ot the City of Paris and E q ' of the City of
<br />~x! extended to as to
<br />atace said territor,y
<br />,rnn to same as herein set
<br />at 124• qreaent city lim-
<br />ing the S. E. corner of
<br />l,: ,$raokside Addition to
<br />i c,
<br />tion being on the following dates : . . . . . . . . 19. . . ~ 4~.
<br />ewspaper copy of which is hereto attached.
<br />-7
<br />Sworn to and subscribed before me this
<br />l. th day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19~
<br />N~ .
<br />ary Pubiic in and
<br />Lamar County, Texas
<br />S."I'
<br />