<br />tions, conpletion OI' e2'~,1.ST,_Lri- auilciing, anJ, a:,icnczzcnts,
<br />.
<br />definition5, val;.dit~;r of the orciinance, ~~~:nalt~.:~~ i'or violation, -
<br />and reneal o.C' tize tem;-,orarv- zonin;-~ ordi_nance. " be and the same is
<br />liereuy arr.enduu so that Section 19- of said ordinance shall here-
<br />after be anci reaa as 7'ollotivs:
<br />Section 12. C;iariges an(i AmencLments.
<br />(5.) `I'11E (;1ty 1;O1:L'?Cll O.i. the C1G,- Of !'aZ'--S li7.3y, 1'Y'OI:1 t,1::lE: VO
<br />'u1T?1E3, Jy OT'CL1p8,riCG, aIilcrid, Ci"1a?1:;e O? Sil)f)I.E;TIG'71t ti't1C J011riCi?T'1.ES OI
<br />tie (.istricts hcrcin c:staul.is.ied, and tiie rc,-,izla:l,ions anci restric-
<br />tions 'tiereiri containec':. Thc- Ci 'Y Couricil ;;lZal l ~;ive notice to the
<br />_D31'tJ_eS l:`l 111t,cT'cSt: ctil:,l i:itl'GeIl~:: O_ l.:ic !;.1.-tj' Of ;'c :i iS ^f S":'..Ch
<br />oro -)osed ;:,d:lcncirrlert, su p_i.eY}.e::i-6 or c'_anr-c an(i ol a~u.bi~c 1aea~iri r
<br />o ic `~E~ _ _ ;)'a,
<br />LC± C;)1Llf~uti0ii ,;1v~" UllCat;i0Y1 OSt.iCi'~ T?OL1CE
<br />. _ -
<br />.
<br />_ „
<br />, t-- -
<br />--`1 ,~t16 O I_.i_C1 I7e ~~z~,;d ~t:~ O_ , . Ol }~2T'iS, OY' ';.t1 aOf
<br />;eIl`-'!'a1 Ci±C'a1::t.101`1 ll'1 SaiC! C:Lty. :~i.1CI). Y10'F~'1Cf? SriAil 't)P. : ili:).i~.ShGd
<br />one ti:;lc at iF:;ast ?'ii'tc(:n d ,;rs ~~r-_'or to the ciatc ol- such -mblic
<br />trea.-in.>m and shali statc the time, r)lace an,1 nature oa' such ;;ublic
<br />~-iearin:-; ana sucii ~~auiic hcar~~.~nz s%:ail not be :~cld earlier tnan.
<br />.ifteen da~, s irolm the date oi suci~ publication. L'i.ereai'ter, the
<br />Cit,;r Councii shall, ir_ accordance there-,s-ith holci suc:z r,,ublic
<br />:,eaxinF,.
<br />(b) T1' t'tiert is aprotest ~i'iled vvith the CitJ Cien, a"a- nst
<br />Si1Cii pZ'OpGSF.. c";..'P_Cn(tilETlj'i~ Slli,[)I.Elilcrlt Or Cila'1;.ic C'lUl~' Sii~T1GQ J:," fiiiE.'
<br />o;,mers oi tvxn'U,; r,er ccmt or „.ore eit:ier o;' t'lic areu oi t':e lots
<br />included a_ri suc'll ro,oseu chan;~e, or o" tllose ;;ad-
<br />jacent in t'rz:; r:.ar thereoi e~-,Ucizc ~2 0 ieet -c:-Ie~^efro_-i, or oi'
<br />.
<br />L~l Cl1i'CCt1.j OT)C)051TG L1(::1'C:uO t_tiF:7lCLr1!-; ~.U ;LGt {1l'07Il i::1:S
<br />StrCct. ':'x'O:l'Lc9,.",E'. Of :iUC1": O':?,)OSJ..vB .1.JTis, SUCi"L ',->7'Oi70St:sC: <9,.i"1E;?7"lLf:E?17fi,
<br />Si1nn.LElfle:27t OT' i;llcl?-;2 S,i811 noi~ }"JGCO; :E' e~~ CL1Ae ~'XCE,'''~ t bJ% i. :@
<br />t avorable vo,.e tllree i ourths o-L' ail me_1bers oi th(-, Ci t;y Council
<br />ol the Cit;- oi raris.
<br />(c) Any .)erson, lir:r: or cor;poration -)ro=;os_in;, anencLnent,
<br />su-);-?le;.qcnt or chan -c of' the _;ound<rie.: o!' the ciistr•icts iierein
<br />est4olisher., or o.~` th? rc;ulat~ons or res-crictiaris herein ::;on-
<br />tu:ned, „ay ~ile 7;1115:-1 -cne Gi t3~ C1Fr.; _a written a:pli_cation tiierc-
<br />