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Alk Ab <br />Ah Ah <br />of Five ($5000) Dnllars for the term of ten (10) years, all <br />rental eharges to be paid to the City C1erk on the lat day of <br />May of each year.., in advance. <br />SECTION The do~~~ of any work: hereaxn(ier or the <br />using of any space granted herein by tawrence McDowell sha1l <br />be conclusive evidence o.f the acceptance kay said Lawrence <br />NicDowell of ail the provisioris of this ordinance, and all <br />~~dinance- of th~ City oa Par°is the granti~~ of <br />frarachises-, and sh~ll express1y bind the said applicant, his <br />heirs and assigns, to pav the rental, specified and keep said <br />premises occupieci by it i.n good repais and sa~~ ~ondit~on <br />d~~ing the 1if~ of thi-s .frar~chise or° use of same, ard a~~~ ~o <br />indemni#'y the City of Paris against any and all claims and <br />actions for damages ta any person or° property gr~wi~~ ou~ <br />~~~sircg from the use of ~~id premise~ under sa~d franchise. <br />~'~re said ~~~~~~ce, 1~cl~owel1 expres~~y agrees to defez~~ an~ <br />~uits tha°~ in~titt~~~~~ the City c~~ ~~~~s ft~r <br />iniuncticzn or dama~~~ ~~al proferty or° ~~~~~~~l proper~~y o~ <br />~er~~nal d~~~~~~ of any kind or chara~~~r whatsoever, a~~ to <br />pay all costs, attorneyY s f~~~~ ~~y and all oyht:r~ expens~~ <br />~rising out of' the fi.~ing or pro; ecution of any saieh suits, <br />~o pay all si~ch ~~~~dgmea~.ts that ~nay be rendere~d a,ainst the <br />City o~ x aris any and a~ ~ sui~~ ~~at may be *°iled agairsz, i <br />b;~~ any preaperty owner, citi2en or ~~hex so~~ for damd~~~ or <br />x°'' , ; u: es to e:~ t'r)er persorx or proX:; t: rty k?'rowi~r,~ ' ouv of or c~ ~ ~ zin~: <br />~ror~~ ~r c~~~ed by :he negligmrce~ of ::aid l:awrencFv Mc:~owell, x1~~.~ <br />~~ents, ~~~~ants oi~ ~~plsa~ees, or a~~ t1he u~e by the ~aid Lawrancp~k <br />McDowel'L of the francha se o.A any pa~~~tio~ of sa~d fi°anchise that <br />raay be grantec~ ~y thi; ~~~inance. <br />~~ON 5. Tbe lea;~~ franchi-se granted her°eiiY ~hall <br />not be ~~si-~~able or :ransferabl~ unless ccaraver~ t, i~ given hy <br />Cit3~ ~~~~cil of th~ City caf Paris, and tkae assign~~ <br />~~~~sferee shall rwith the terms of "ection 4 of t'.~ <br />~~dinan~e heretafore pazse~ by City Coun~~~ of th~ City o.~ <br />goveraxing the grantirag of such f~anchise. <br />- 2 - <br />