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For paying interest and creatin; a sinking fund for CITY OF <br />PARIS, TEIYAS TIg:~' tiY.4F:R.ANTS, Series 1949, on each and every One <br />Hundred Dollars worth of property situated within the corporate <br />l;mits of the City of Paris and subject to taxation, a tax of Q'~O.lA8 <br />Sewer Construction Bonds, Series 1936, for paying the <br />interest and creating a sinking fund therefor, on each and evel-,r <br />One Hundred Dollars vrorth of property situated within the c orporate <br />limits of the City of Paris and subject to taxation, a tax of $0.001 <br />2.10 <br />Section 2. There is also levied and ordered to be collectcd <br />agains 'u each and every r erson, firr.i or corooration gursuin{; an occupation <br />tivithin the cor;aorate limits of the City of Paxis, except wliere levf of same <br />is e~ressl✓T forbidden by <br />,eneral law, an occupa-tion tax ana license tax <br />equal to one-half (1/2 ) of that leviea by the State of Texas a;ai.nst such <br />occupaluion. This provision applies to eacn and everS occupation upon <br />which the State of Texas levies a tax and fixes a iicense fee and on7„v to <br />such occupations. <br />Section 3. The City Ta:t Assessor and Collector of the Cit;;T of Paris <br />is hereby directed to asSess, extend and enter upon the tax rolls of the <br />CitJ of Faris, Texas, for the current taxable yeax, the amounts and rates <br />herein levied and to keep a correct account of same, and the taxes herei.n <br />levied shall be collected as provided bf the ordinances and the Charter of <br />the City of Paris, 1^exas, and the laws of the State of Texas; and -when so <br />collected, same shall be deposited in the depository of the City ofParis <br />to be distributed in accordance with ordinance. <br />Section 4. Current ad valoren taxes for the year 1951 paid on or <br />prior to December 31, 1951, shall be subject to discounts as follows: <br />Three per cent if paid on or oefore Qctober 31, 1951; two <br />per cent if paid after Octo'uer 31, 1951., and on or before <br />Tdovember 30, 1951; one per cent if paid after Noverneer 30, <br />1951, and on or before December 31, 1951. <br />Section 5. A1.1 and parts of ordinances in conllict herewith <br />are hereby e}pressly repealed. <br />Tnis orciinance shall be and reraain in full force and effec+,, from anci <br />after its passage and approval by the City Council of the City of Paris. <br />Read, approved and passed t?zis ttie 13th day of August, 1951. <br /> <br />IZayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Citi C erk <br />