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The Oity Counci 1 of the City of Yaris herabtr 7i.v:;s notice fo the citi- <br />zeris of Faris of the pranoses c.han;;e by orc'.inance of t-,e r_,ropert;= si t?znt.ed in <br />L:amar County, TA.--as, withir the corparate 1i.mi ts of the 3i+zr of F'ari5, 7'exas, <br />on Bonham "treet : <br />ip"7,fi r:f t}1g ;;f3 T,3?';iar :;tJY'V:,tr, J1Mp t-}]F? 3o1' 07'Fi ,N 1.1 1it,s Of the <br />3lt'•i of ; F.l7'1 S ; <br />t,AGI T;I^I ; flt the Iv' T. c ornc r Uf a lo+ ; o')V eved bV to OE? <br />LVO:'I. ,-`~..l 1''1.'":~=!' OI"1 ~r1f' ~i!?UtC! si_'E,' ~ . P i'i:;lll~"lEiI71 it I'E:Ot j , <br />' ,,N~it „ent 4i±h the 'P 1ino of _onham itraet g0 !'e-~-t t,o J. d. `;'arrer's <br />.E. ccrner; <br />l:.i;;i,.,~" ' • <br />1 lo,;th ?7~` ^e..t~ <br />3E ::;3 at. 90 ±'oet to the T af <;aid lyon lott; <br />.'s n i,'U7'th 27} f-e{; ±o the T•lni.:9 nf hp^._p 'IlTlnf 727! bej I;ct the sa17?@ <br />lot <br />or ,,.ueJ of larld de^ zx. d in the deed i'ro m T. j. F,road a,d urife, to J. a. <br />Varkc-r, executed on Ma.,; 4, 1897, a:n:3 re^orc::.d ir: BOa'k 81, la e 562, 1_a:nar <br />jounty Deed Records, and which is rai.,o described ir! }h;,.t ce_rtain pvri;ition <br />deed executed on tluaust 5. 7G10, and ra^o-led ir_ Bnok )31s i-ane 579, Allotai<ent <br />:VO. 2, t,li@ Sa1CI reCOrd bH1Iln 1:hP, !?e2'.} Y'H:OT'aS Of lry'.?18?"• loUntV, I'nvc;^, to <br />L1h1C:h Y'HfE?I'BY?^8 ls m'_'+dE,' f'OZ' 'ctll Yi@CeS"A7"T ''L'.I"7':,`ic'S. <br />f'ron a "Re;> Uixtriet" as deiired 'h.y provz_ ; c;ns of uz ='ina:ie i~`o. 1122 to <br />w njom, ercia?. District" ns thorei;i defir?ed. <br />Natiae is further given of a pubiic hr;ar:i ng tu he held in conn2cti.c:n with <br />such proposed chanve on tho i" da.y of JLA~ ,1951 at 7-"jI o'c?ock <br />F.M. in the ,3aunc:i.7 Room vf the uity Ha13 in the Sity of iari s, for tt P purnose <br />of deterrnirur,, w}Zett:er or not such change should be ~nada. <br />`!'rds noti-,e issuen in aacordance Gri ;h and r,ursu•=,nt tc tve li_rection of <br />ti18 .i11V .iOUr?_,1 nf t,rl'? :1.tV Of' a..? S, ''g„r~S . <br />- - , <br />1,'i atrpr _ <br />.!7"1'LST : <br />P. r . Shelton, lit.y :;1erk <br />