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i'OTIC~ Ur at'ECL~L :;i_IIETIi,.x <br />li-.'- S1'_iTE` 02 i'.:,'Ls.S : <br />:;ITY C-111' <br />T,t _ . . V O~'i ~l~i'ti l.~iIJ1~,vllr ,i~~1,Y l~.r '~Iy: <br />A::l'TC : I6 ._~T3Y t~zt, ui;en request of the C3ty.bl4nager, <br />a s_lecia;_ rleetinf; o:' tne ;;ity ~oux!til o- tne ~ity oi ~~aris, <br />Texas, ~vill be izela in t;ie council chuL-btrs at tae ~it;r :_aall <br />of tae ;ity 01' _~aris, 11exas, e.t 1:15 o'clock on :'riday, <br />'uc+ober ::36, 1951, for tile ~_,ur-ose of a <br />ppointiri- u"Presiding <br />:J uci~;e iri .r~.::.rd ;;o. 1 to s~:rve in t:ie ~~~•~tce oi' . :<_rd iutexi- <br />i3on, ap,aointGd, tho _Las no'Uifie@ tize -i.t,y :;ountii <br />ie i s di:: ;ualil ied f-o.~:z s:;rvinF; as sae lZ , re sidin; -udne <br />A ta:e election to be !lela or_ uctober 30, 19519 whic%i dis- <br />%:ualit'icutzon wa5 discov,.ra~; Uy iiiLq subse; to :lis arD- <br />,ointi,ent t:_eref'oz°, suc:~ E;lection ~iaviAi:, _.t:j.,etofoie been calied <br />'y urdiaanc~ 12_'3 ;assed by i;;.e "ity ouiacii_ of t:ie <br />t~r 1Jb1. <br />Manager <br />'a i v e n at t_.e Ci.t,3r.~ c:,i i s t:. ci y o f <br />Octvoel', <br />:%it; -111r3~, jity of I'exas. <br />ZJ T 11: V' <br />.iiG::iUE.'T;i Oi` t'.ie ,~1T,Y .:UiA7iCl.l uiiC1 tiri8 <br />'c:yJT' O1 Gi: iE:1:uS, 1lE a'CJy ;:lCCe;;t SCT'U1Ct; of t',i18 <br />i'oi~i ; PLotice, vraivil.:; ar.y ar~c! a:il iree4ru~:.ari~ies i%1 SuCAl <br />se:rvicP a:;(! co;::;;:~r.t alia tshall be ,,t thz <br />ti.;e _;z;;a ;14ce ti;erein llas;,ed a;,a f'or the .,)urpose ; t:i_r;_in stated. <br />, <br />, <br />_CL yor <br />