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ORDT14JANcE 110. 1261 <br />An ordinance prohibiting preventablO interierence with _;adio <br />and/or Television recelDtion and nrescribing a penalty for viola.tion <br />of this ordinance. <br />DE a 1" 3" T'-:i CI7f COU - MCIL O'r' TL CITY_ flF PARIS: <br />Section 1. it s'r:a1:1 hc.reafter bc unlawlul to use, maintain, ar <br />o~)erate arr <br />)r neon sign, eiect:ic sign, electric motor, or ot'aer electrical <br />eq:zi-.~:nent, pr an;l device, apparatus, machinery or other equipmLent in <br />t.-ie ClfijT of Paris which unreasr>r.abl-y causes interference -uith raaio ana/or <br />television reception witnin sa:i.d Cit;;- of Paris zihen such inter'Lerence can <br />be eliminated by :neans of renairs, adjust:aent, the installation of cor- <br />rective anoliances, or bT~ r~aiLin; other alterations trcreo£. <br />3ection 2. Thle i;ity 1,'r8.113'„C-'T' is authorized to designate trie City <br />Llectrical Insoector, or other competent employee of t1he ~,ity of r'aris, <br />to investi;;ate tile cause or causes of radio and/or television reception <br />interierence and such nerson shall have full potiwer, right and authorityr <br />to er.ter in and upon axiy prernises where any neon sign, electric sign, <br />plectric notor, or otiier electrieal equipment, or an,y deviee, apparatus, <br />_:iachinery or ot1<er equipment is being installed, used, or operated for <br />the ;Durpose of ins-aecting same for the determination of the cause or caases <br />of raclio and/or television interfErence, and it shall oe the duty- of such <br />person so aPnointed to see to the erl:rorcement of this ordinance. <br />Section 3. ~'his orainance shall not apply to the use, maintenance or <br />oneration o f any device, apparatus, machinery or otner caui-oment tibhen ne- <br />cessary f'or the protection of life or property, or #'or the care or treat- <br />:aent osicla or injured nersons. <br />Section 4. Any nerson, iirm, or corporation violatin.~- a-n,y of the pro- <br />visions of this ordinance shall unon conviction thereof be guilty of a <br />misde:neanor ana s1la11 be fined in any amount not exceedin~ `'')200.00. Lach <br />and evex•y se: arate da.~,- o;' <<r_y v-i_ola;;ion ~,i` this orciinancc s_'iall cnnstit::te <br />a separate of.fcnse. y <br />Section 5, _S}loulc, any sectinn, pa.ra ;raph, senter.ce, ciause, -pr?rase <br />or ryord of t:1is orcLr.ance be aeclareci unconstit,ttior:al or 4.nvalid 'L'or any <br />reasor<, the re,, of said orcli.n2.nce s~~_a11 not he afiecte i t'ZCreby, but <br />shall reMain in f1.11 fo-rcci and ~lfect. <br />Section 6. This or anance s'-~all becorae ef ~ective ten daJ-s froni an:i. aiter <br />its passa~-e. <br />~11iS,`.'>~,Jf JL~:P. `vi t',~~' l O~riCll :_lf' f.'ie 1t.~, 0' .;2.T'iS 111 Y'Cf3t11~.1.T' ~:c2t'.121~; 8.ti <br />the cour_cil ci.a;nbers in -he Git~;"all of saiu (,ity tilis the llt:i da~T of 1'eb- <br />ruary, 1952. <br />~ <br />, <br />Yi 1~ L <br />1~`ayor ro 'I'em <br />AiTEST: <br />Git~:, .;lerk <br />