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A'_'PROPRIATIOR JRDINANCE Tv'G. 1265 <br />AN ORDINANCE AIDOF'TIPdG A BtTDGE' i OPi THE ENSUIidG r ISCP.L Yi,.V. BL;- <br />GIIvT1jIqG JULY 1, 1952, Arrv LNDzNG JurZ 30, 1953, IIJ AcCORDarlcE <br />udTl'H TfIE CHARTLP~ OF TIIE CITY CF PARIS; AP:'ROPRIATING TI;E, <br />SEV't~FtP_L Ar10UllEI'S T11Tli:EIN STs1TED AS FROPOSLD E:yFENDITURI.S TC TrIE <br />0&TECTS APdD PURPO5ES HEREIN ItiTAMED; ArdD REPEALING ALL ORDII`tANCES <br />OR Ptll3.TS OF GRDT"?AN;LS IN CONFLI,~,I' HEPY,dITH. <br />irTHLREAS, the Gity Nianager o£ the City of Paris 'rias submitted to the <br />City Council a proposed budget of the revenues of said City and the ex- <br />penses of conducting the affairs thereof and uroviding a complete financial <br />plan for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning Jul,y 1, 1952, and endirg June <br />30, 1953, and which said proposed budget has been compiled from detailed <br />information obtained frcen the several departments, divisions and offices <br />of the City; and <br />TuJHEfd4',AS, the City Council has received said City ISanager's proposed <br />budget, a copy of iJhich proposed budget and all support,ing schedules have <br />been f:iled witl: tYie City Clerk of the Cit-y of Paris, as set out in the <br />Charter of the City of Paris, and is of the opinion that the same shpuld be <br />approved and adopted, as aznended after public hearing, and that public hear- <br />ings before the City Council have been provided for and held as required by <br />and in accordanee with the provisions of the Ct;arter of the City of Paris: <br />NOW, T~3E IT OI~AIVEll I3Y TI~ CITY CQUPICIL O: THE CITY OF PAN.IS: <br />aection 1. That tYie proposed Y,udget of the revenues of the City of <br />Paris and the ex7?enses of cor.ductir,g the affa.irs thereof, providing a com- <br />plete financial plan .for the ensuing f iscal year beginriin7 July I, 1952, and <br />ending June 30, 1953., as submitted to the City Council bJ the City I1ar_aZe._r of <br />said City, a.nd as amended, be, and the same is in all things adopted and <br />approved as tr,e budEet of all of the current expenditures as well as the <br />fixed chartes against said City for the fiscal ;;ea; beginning 3uly 1, I952, <br />and ending June 30, 1953• <br />Section 2. `it-ia.t the s~_ur: cf $44C,390.06 is hereby appropriated out of <br />the geneNal fund for the pa;,n;ient of operating exr;enses and capital outlay o' <br />the CitzT goverrunent as hereinafter itemized: <br />