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Alk <br />each unit, shotiving the amounts to be assessecl EL,~ainst t.he variaus parcols <br />of abuttino property and the owners thereof per front foat for curb and <br />gutters, the amounts to be paid by the Ci+y of paris and such cther information <br />as is required by the law under whi.ah these proceedin;,s are ta}:en ard had, <br />which is the pct of the Fi.rst Ca11ed Session of the F'ortieth Le;isJ.ature <br />of the State of iex2s, shown as "hapter 106 cf tt:e rlcts of said c,ession, saici <br />F.ct now beins showm as Article 1105b of Vernon's Annotz.ted Texas Civil <br />atatutes. <br />$'ECTION 9. This Ordinance shall take effect ir.¢^ediately upon i+.s <br />passage . <br />pASSED "'IA.D 1?.PPROV"r:D this 25th day of lay, 1953. <br />. ; <br />Mayor of--U`~i-E`y o Par Ts, <br />ATTEST: <br />City Clerk. <br />