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• ASk Amk dh <br />t zonine ardiname ) <br /># 4, <br />Loc~i ~d ~,e11t~►entss The C~,ty CouneaFl of tle City af <br />P~,ri~s,, t~ t~i t~s to Ue, <br />rl s~,pFl~mo~t or dbr o <br />O~' '~ae di.8t.~ricts hOroin e~abl3.shed ar the, re ~ Y rd~n~nce the k~~~'~~ <br />0cnau~cia5i.1 sh~1 nntice ~to t.h~; eitizens of th~ity ~ af ~Far e af su,$,;~~• The City <br />~rrt, ~ePPl~ent or ch I~~'3~~~e+3 e~x~r~- <br />ange and of a public hearririg to be held i.n cornecrtian therewith., <br />bY publicatiOn 3.r., fi.he offa.aia3 gaper af the City or Paris once aweek fQr three ftn- <br />8ecutivO ueekm. Stzch r.otiQe shal1 state tkza t,ime, place and nature af aiuah pub3ic <br />hearing and aur.h sha7.], not be held esrlisst than twerrty-c>ne (21) dayaa fram <br />the date df f3.rst publicat3on of satid natice. <br />Citti Council sh,a3.1 thereafter and 3,.n aeraordanc+e hold such <br />public hear,ing. If there is a protest filed with the C3,t Se~aret <br />prQ ased ar~.end~~a+~nteu ~a3,ti~ auah <br />a Ppleme'st or change, dul3,° ~igmd by the crwners at taazty Aft <br />(2U pex-coi.t ox more, e;;.ther at' the araa Qf the lats intzlucling iYS such ehange or <br />of those 3maci3,ate2y f.n the rear thereoY exto.rid' 2D~t Feet therefrom, or c~f t~sa <br />di~ct3.~ t~pposite t,h+ez~eft,os t~ lxundred~2C7n) feet from the street fttortao <br />of suoh oppc►site lots, such prctipoised amendnent, sup~.~lenent or ehatage shall rsc>t be- <br />etam efi eEtiYe except bg a f our-s"ifths vate of a1], ot' the menibers caf the City <br />~ieWtion 13. Def;ini.tic, s; ~vords in the preserrE terse sha3,l include 2'uture; <br />~rr~rd~s ~.n s~.ta ~a3. <br />gLdar shal1. 3,nclude the p3,ura1 nUMwer and prords :irz the v. <br />sha1.1. i.ziclude the ea.' . „ ~~;1izr~,t raur~ber <br />n~,zl~, the ~ord, bui3.rling" shaLl irkkr.lucie the wor+d, rr structure3, " <br />and the veo:rd °'lat" Siza3.l in:aclurie the word "p3at". <br />1. ~iccemoom~: :i sul'xirdinate use or bu3.:Lding customari1,.y incideixt to an.ct <br />loaated upsan th~ saw lot witti tYze inairi use of ima.l.dirrg: <br />21 A+~cceagrv ~~s , bz~.i7. . . <br />~ d~~' a~' ~►ubar~qate uae such as is Qua- <br />toinar:i,~ used ire +acsnrieatian wit,h tYe us+a aaf the ma'in buii.ding located upvn the same lot. <br />3. 1 4 1~ roc~a or suite ~bam;s in an apar~trr~t ho°,~$e ar.ranged: d~e- <br />a~..~d €~z~ ocscup ed a,e the resa.dercae oi' an indi4idual or f+emi1y. <br />4• Apjglatd H s A bui,i.di _g or portion therep#" ariea4ged, designed or <br />occ~pied by t e or more fam9liea or groups a,f individua3.s not members of the sam <br />f amily. <br />5. zA bua.l.ding ofi.her than a hc>tel wherea 1odg:tng or uuea1.s for <br />six or more p~rsona not rwmbers of the househo2d are served for rtaa,aerzsation. <br />6. Ha~t.e C1ccuRsta.2rAat Uccupations` <br />tha'~ sre not t~etr3.~rentor ixs,~urious tsa a€~joiziin~ ~ pr~o ert ~ c~ri~d nr~ ir. a hc~e <br />4 <br />~ y, These may in,c7,ude serq.. <br />Ijg mea3.s or renting to nflt mor+e than Five persors ru►t members of the household., <br />dressmaking, =tti1.I.i.nery, and iz•onirag. Custamary hnme oecupaticans +shaL], not 3,n- <br />clude barber shc+ps, ~ be,~uty shc~ps, c~se~era shaps~ alecrtric~.xar~'s shops, plu~rs sha g <br />raci~.c~ sP~c~pa, t~.nrrer sshaps, transfer or cuavine-van offices, autQ repa3.ring$ aufo p, <br />painti.rrg, .~,"urriiture repairiig or sign-pa3.nting. <br />7. Fam p: A 1'amily is any fluc:aber cf inda.viduals lirring tagether as asing3.e <br />housekeepi,ng unit. <br />Narrt P' tes ii sign cont,ain:ng only the narr~e, house or apartment nurntsser <br />and: accu~ata,on af the residert. <br />9. lttt*. ~€~r:~ -W,. : r L'set A bu`'~7.ding, r~~ premises crccupied by or devoted to a <br />use tf~at does raat oont`orm ta the r8gulations of the di.atricst 3.ri it is located. <br />10« Una„fw,3,1v Re ,~id~ar~~+et t'k detacheri bu3.3.d3.r~ hav:~.r~g acao~dat3.+~z~s ~'or <br />ancc], trccupied by oxJ,y, one famil~. <br />11. F,.,?~~,+.c G.4r.t ~ Fromises used for the starage afa housing or cars <br />of ncator drivsm trehi.oloe, wficre such vehiales are equipped for ogeratian, repaired <br />or ke►pt fnr remanerat3on, hi;re cr s ale. <br />12. F'yblU Stables i,: stable witti a capacit.y for crmre than four harses, <br />or rLules. <br />13. Strigraal atgraLJZt Any charr,ge in ths aauppv.rtax,g meraaers of abuild- <br />ixig aLicii ab bearLig, ceglwr~s., bQw-is or griders, or any incr+sass 3.n fa.oor e.rea. <br />14. T'wa•Eemily U2qiden0e tj'. detached buildirg havii7g spearate acccuamvda- <br /> fcar and occup3.ed as a residence by two f <br />15+ Bq;~~" A permanent erection camplies with all Citv Ordirxanae►s. <br />ssat n14- Pr„Qig;pMa Cma.,, ..w& Tvt No prc~~risians qf this ardir~cs sYi <br />aL~ b~ <br />he1d to repeal another os*cLinance or any provis3.ono thereo.° emdapt whare 9.n d::.rect con- <br />Ilict herewitt► anci the provis3.ons af this az43.inaancxe s.ha1.i be held cumu].ati3re of qther <br />oreiirAnces rePerence to matteare contsined hereinj except 3.n casss saf aont'Ltct, in <br />which event the prrervvisiars cf this ordinarm sha1.l prraveil. <br />