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_ . ~ ~ _ I A <br />~ <br />MUNIC IPAL 0RDINANCE / / <br />(Construction) Reconstruction and Maintenance) <br />AN ORDINANCE PRflVIDII~`= FOR TIIE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE <br />PO'TIDN flF U•S. HIGAWAY NO. 8~ IPT THE CITY OF Paris <br /> <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />HEREINABtNE MMM TQ AS "THE STREET PROJ'ECT" AND AU'I'HORIZING TfiE MAYOR OF TFiE <br />CITY T(1 EXECUTE AiVD THE CITY SECRETARY TO AFF'IX THE CORPORATE S:EAL AND ATTEST THE <br />SAb1E, A CERTAIN COPITRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE STATE OF TIIXA.S PROVIDING FOR THE <br />INSTALIATION, __.._.....CONSTRUCTION, MAINTEPJANCE, EXI,STENCE AlITD USE OF THE SA:LI) STREL'r <br />PRQTECT; FOR TIIF; P.VDEMNIFICATION OF THE' STATE OF TE}W, BY THE CT'I'Y, AGAII'JST ALL <br />DAMAC':ES TO ADJOINING, ABtJ'TTING APiD OTHER PROPERTY, AND FOR EXFEPISES IN CO"1NEC'I'I011 <br />WITH ANY CI,AIM OR SUIT THEREOF; AND DECIARING AN E++RGIIVCY AND PROVIDING THAT THIS <br />ORDINANCE SHALL BE FFFECTNE FROM A1VD AYT~~'R ITS PASSAGE. <br />wHERFAS, the public convenience, safety and neceesity of the city, and the <br />people of the city require that thH portion of _ U._S,._Highway .$2( as. shov!m on.the.. <br />attache d plans ) <br />. . _ . , _ . . <br />be_.. constructed. SincE the exiating etreat constitutea a danger and eerioua ir.- <br />conveni6nce to the public, it ie ur.gantly required to bd remedied; and <br />W'HEREA.S, the city has requested the Stato of Texss to contribute financial- <br />ly in thd street project; and <br />W'E~,''REA.S, thto Statd of Texae hae made it known to the city that it will <br />aBsiRt the city in the etrbet pro,ject by furniehing the nviceesary funds for actuHl <br />construct,ion, reconetruction and maintbnance; and by eupervising conetruction, pre- <br />vlding the city approvea the pl,ane, gradee and alignment for esid project; and <br />~ WHERFA,S, the city, in coneideration of the of eaid por,jact, <br />agrc:~es to indemnify the Statd of Tk.xae against all damagbs or claime for dam.ag6 to <br />adjoining, abutting or other property for which the State is liable, arieing out <br />of, incident to, and in any way connected with the installation, the conetruc- <br />tion, the exietence, the uae end maintenance of the street,ject or the paesage <br />and anforcament of this ordinanr,e. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: <br />SECTION 1. That aince the p?zblic convenience, eafety and neceseity of the <br />city arui the people of the city require it, ssid street ehaZl be _conetructed. <br />SECTION 2. That the State of Texae be and is hereby authorized to enter <br />upon conatruct snd maintain the street projact at the location and in the manner <br />ehown on the plane, attached hereto ari1 marked "Each:ibit A" and made a part hereof <br />in all reepects. <br />SECTION 3. That nothirsg in this ordinance shall be ^.onetrued to obligate <br />the State of Texae to Fay ankv direct, incidental, or consequental damagee to <br />adjoining, abuttin€3 or other property in enforcement of thia ordinance or by <br />reason of the installation, corstruction, exietence, uae and maintenance of <br />the street project authorized herein. <br />10-43-1083 1 <br />