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• Agh Ah a <br />A G R E E M E N T <br />Now therefore, in consideration of the Rremises and of the mutual covenants <br />and agreemente of the parties hereto te be by them respectively kept and performed <br />as hereinafter set forth, it ie agreed as follews: <br />The State, a3 its contribution to the improvement of said street project, <br />wi11 prepare or provide for the p lans and specifications, advertise for bids, and <br />let the construction contract, or otherwise provide f or the construction, and will <br />supervise the conetruction, recongtruction or better•ment work as required by said <br />plans, and will pay the cost of those iteme indicated on the plans as to be paid <br />for by the State. <br />As long ae ±he city street is a designated highway, the Stato will maintain <br />said_ street project except those portionU as may be made the City's obligation as <br />mutually agreed to by the parties hereto. <br />The State will maintain said street project or such portions thereof or <br />~xtensions thereto as may be indicated on said plans for State maintenance, and <br />such other portions as may be mutually agreed to by the parties hereto• <br />The City, in consideration of the mutual r.ovena.nts herein contained, does <br />hereby agree to and does hereby authorize tha State to impr`ve or assist in the <br />improvement of said street project at the location, to the grades and in the <br />manner shown on the plans, which plans wrien approved by bcth partieg hereto will <br />be attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A" and become a part hereof in a11 respects• <br />The City will provide for said stre--)t project a right of way free of all <br />obetructions and of a width sufficient to properl,y provide for the improvements <br />shown on the plans, without cost to the State and will not, in the future, permit <br />encroachments on said right of way. <br />The City will provide at its own expense for the installation, raising, <br />lowering, removal or other necessary adjustment of any and all utilities or <br />sArvices, whether publicly or privately owned, as may be necessary to permit <br />proper improvement, maintenanee and use of said street project, and, failure of <br />the City to promptly carry out this provision upon the written request of the <br />^nSineer shall, if such delay results in additional expense to the State, be the <br />zirect charge and ob1igation of the City: <br />The City agrees to pa.y to the State promptly the cost of making repairs to <br />,he subgrade or surfacing made necessar,y by reason of the installation, repair, <br />raiaoval, or a djustment or an.y such publicly or privately owned utilities or <br />se.rvi:,es, which ma,y occur after the completion of the street pro ject . <br />The City agree•s that it will refrain from passing an ordinance fixing a <br />speed limit on the above rnentioned street pro ject of under twenty (20) rriil.aa per <br />hour nor will it allow the erection of signs, semaphores and/or signals that will <br /><ive preference to local routes which intersect with the said street project, ne~• <br />7,hat wi11 slow up, hinder or delay traffic on said above mentioned street -nro jec z, <br />The Cit.y will at its own expense m.aintain a11 street lights, traffic lights. <br />anc~ signal, devices on said project9 and_ sweep, flush and otherwise keep said <br />street preject in a clean and sanitary condition• <br />9--45-937 2 <br />D-8 <br />