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a AOL <br />Am Ab <br />NUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION AGR.~F'ENIENT <br />( Combination Construction, Reconstruction and Maintenance ) <br />STATE OF TEXAS ~ <br />~ <br />rOUNTY OF TRAVIS ~ <br />This agreement thig. day of 19 , _ by and between <br />the State of Texa,9, hereinafter referred to as the "State", party of the first <br />part, and the City of , , County, Texas, <br />_ _ _ . <br />-tcting by a,nd through itg du1y authorized officers under an ordinance paesed the <br />_ _ day of. . _ _ _ . , _ _ . ~ 19_ _ ; hereinafter called the "City", party of <br />the second part. <br />W I T N ES S E T H <br />Whereas, tha City has requeated the State to contribute financial aid in the <br />irnprovement and/or rraint,^na.nce on <br />Street from <br />. . _ ~0 _ _ <br />_ _ . _ - <br />- _ . . within such <br />'City and has by proper ordinance authoriz?rl the State to enter upon and iraprove <br />anc?/or rnaintain or assiet the City in the improvement and/or maintenance of said <br />project; and <br />'n?heraas, the State Highway Commission under date of Approved a <br />program of work which includes the pro ject described above, and <br />Wzereas, the State Highway Engirleer, a.cting for and in behalf of the State Highm <br />wav Commission in activating such programy has it known to the City that the <br />State will assist the City in the improvem?nt arld/or maintena,nce of said street <br />oroject by furnishing the funds necessary to cer_struct, reconstruct or otherwise <br />pla.ce said street in a condition to properly serve motor vehzcle traffic thereon by <br />preparing plane for said improvement and Gupervieing the cc)nstruction, reconetructior <br />or betterment work as provided in eaid plans or may be provided in said plane condi- <br />tionea that the City; as contemplated by Senate Bill 415, Acts 46th Legislaturey <br />PAkular Seseion, will enter into an agreement with the State for the purpose ot' <br />~-`,grnining the liabilities and responsibilities of the parties with reference thF,~- <br />dete.rmining and providing a6equate and appropriate means for the regulation oz <br />traffic, policing and Lia.intenance of the project upon completion, and; provided <br />;rther, that the City approves the plans, specifications, alighments and grades c_l' <br />t_e project, and, provided further, that the City will indemnify the State against <br />~11 camages to adjoinirg, abutting or other property occasioned by or reaulting from <br />trie in,^ta1lation, construction, existence, use or maintenance of said street pro j- <br />"et and_ the passage and enforcement of the ordinance herein refarred to• <br />9-45-937 1 <br />D-b _ <br />