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Alb AUk <br />~ _ <br />SECTI^N 9. This franchise may be PcrPeited by The City <br />council after a hearing before it for failure nn the part nP <br />grantee herein to cnmply with any nr all nf the c-nditi-ns <br />nf this rrdinance. Thirty days nntice t^ be given grantee <br />nf hearing t- sh-w cause why franchise shnuld nnt be fnrfeited. <br />shRLL, <br />Failure nf grantee t- ap; ear at hearing #w authnrize f-rfeiture <br />by e-uneil with^ut hearing any evidence. The action -r jud~;ment <br />1AALL <br />^f Cnuncil to be final and cnnclusive <br />SECTI^N 10. The franchsle hereby granted shall be binding <br />only upr~n the acceptanee in writing by grantee within <br />thirty days after the final passage nf this nrdinance. <br />SECTI^A? 11. This franchise shall nnt be assi~ned, s^ld, <br />transferred nr <br />c^nveyed by <br />granteE: <br />withnut the cnn sent ,f the <br />City Cnuncll nf <br />the City -f <br />Paris, <br />F'Rt' h"d ",,d °bT,94'16ed, <br />SECTI^N 12. The failure *6 regulate Pares t- be cnarged by <br />grantee herein shall nnt be,cnnstirued as a wdiver by The "itg <br />of raris -f whate'ver right it n~w has ^r may have in the <br />Puture tn regulate fz:res charged by grantee -r his assigns. <br />SECTI^N 13. This nrdinanee shall beonme effective upon its <br />third reading and final passage by the City Cnunoil nP The <br />City nP Faris and upnn the grantee filing with the Citp 6eeretary <br />wftitten acceptance nf the terms and prnvisinns therenf within <br />thirty days frnm final passage and appr-val. <br />The ab-ve and foregning rrdinance read, ad-pted nn first <br />reading and passed t- secnnd reading by the fnll-wing vntes <br />this 8th day ^f July 1946, at a regular sessi-n -f the Gity <br />c-uncil. <br />A <br />-A,1 C. Barnett, tilderman Ward l, v-ting <br />01 <br />David Rnbins~n, -i.ldeman Pdard 2, vnting <br />Genrge Zacy, ~.lderman Ward 3, vmting <br />,iilbert King, tilderman YVard 4, vmtin <br />Wasson Uzzell, .41derman at large v-tin <br />The dbove and fnregn;ng nrdinance read, adopt <br />nn sec-nd <br />reading and passed tn third reading by the Pnll-wing vntes this <br />