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0 AOL Alk gh <br />oiw 11V,?~10 ?:p./£..:~..L.....• <br />jj~T akMZRAINCF. Fi10:'IDITZVC, ~t tain cc~rtUn tc<ri ~v:rys ti'le usd of W3 ta iOs! <br />ce6sPoo3s, c1ozete or a`ciiar oqui,~ivriv or tpbinf;:, used fvr t-3ao diopo: a1 of <br />1at°~er vahon nnt cc~~octea b i ~.~s the sc~.~i-~~tiKJ sca~p~uV;e a,ysteaa of t?io Git;; Of Ptrisp <br />a~roquiri.n(; tL.e. sc,:e to bo a•cFriovoe'c or aba-wed; rc3quirint, I~ropex'ty {,:zioru to <br />;nnrect sue'ra ;jri~ie3* cZosofis, 8r otlaer oquipmQaat or •rk~i~~"a rascd for <br />~ <br />age ,;~.e; (11spasal a.~ s~a~a~j~e i~tto~.~ ~~ith tlla sa3d somroaa~;e r~yatc~; f 1:~~~: c~`~y~c: <br />M- -sawa=ge sQrvice; anci t'ixir~If' Ix3nalties x"ar vio3.Ltio-n. of tl:iro orcii.,=ce; <br />daclarirC an emorcency. <br />BL OFM~IT= k;tY 'AZ CIM- G ULIdCIL 0F Tii~. ' GM OF PARI: l <br />8EC'~"1OL" l. It GaX-?.l be tu?:+.awful i'ox any xac;rsos2, parsnns# firra~ ~ssociLit1ora <br />nr r,ozporation ovanizk: p:ropoa-ty vritliin 200 f'eot of rmq line~ of s~race caitj#in -m3 <br />bel.ongirg to the City of Puris to caraAtruet, uffis ox rauintsint ar :)-orr.dt t;a be <br />constructed$ used or -raintaiucad an or obout their said prapcsrts' en~.~ ~?rivyj c~so- <br />poo1g vaetar clasets ur3s~~al, s3.op sJn,.~ slop draini bat_h, tubs ox° vrnstca drai-si 1'rwsn <br />a launc°Lsy or T.iven= :`steble o: t°m~:"or! yard, ox° cmy ot'_7er app..rstua, app3ianee, eqtzi.r- <br />.nwnt os th1zg -4mtr~erM of any kind uae8, or ta be used* tor the nurposa of receiv <br />inL~ rar rexicrving aecwigca mat~er or 4 lop of any kind, unless the sitae s.Eall bQ c-o•'a~eet- <br />ed with the san:ttary ~~~arnee system of tha City of Paris. <br />SEtTTI0N 2. A12 privies„ privy p3te, c2voets, avoepoola, arzd v11 othmr equi,'reat <br />or things u.aed for t•hn disposal of se~ago r,ttar, iiP not a, connected with the <br />sacrar $rastem a: th<.i City TrP Paris snd if vjithin a distance of 200 f'eet of a ucr-smr 1~ <br />of the City of &'aris, a3ust be eomeated said socrar line; iF not oo co::neetedp <br />sane s1ut11 be azad 3.s, hereby rieLlared a )ublic rauiannce and sha11 be y en.mvod a~r abr-',ted. <br />SECTION 3. A11 persons, firsnss asaacfations o:eR ccarporatfans ov.rninY~ proW~~~rty <br />.tithirx the 3.imits of tih~;Cit;~ of Paris €~iuI ~rit~.ix~ f~ c3~.~at~.nco oP 2~10 fc~et aa~' as~,~ GotTer <br />Zix~e of tlld City of przr3~ sha? 1 be and they are horeby zequired $.o camect any c~-nd all <br />privios, cosepov].3o rJatea° claootag urizlal basiza, alap sink,s. 91og) drains, brxvh i;ulba, <br />and vasto rimins viltli one -of said sowar lines azic1 ir an~' c~~' sai~. a€~ies ov~rsil~ ~.3ai7roPd(~ <br />~roraorty rsitaiin 200 faet og ono of said sewer lines shnll f'uil ar refuse to rmual-e ouch <br />conaee :ione, tha City of Fax°is sha11 .aave the ri€°,ht ta rwike such conzauctleaiio ~:nd charc,;o <br />the cctsts 4f sarief incluc3inr, labor aild natorial nacossarlly usod, as iie11 as Wr <br />