IN, ~ ~ - -
<br />-2-
<br />against him on account of an,,y matarial misrepresenta.tivns of faet and belief or any
<br />matarisl $uppressian of facts conaernirig, the merehandise to be auctioned at such aalsis
<br />or whiah may groa out of a violation of any of the terms of this ordi.nance. Such bcand
<br />shs11 be m.ade x=mddx arnlendable to an„y persan who may sustain any loss or daraa►ge an
<br />account of such misrepreseritati.on and sha31 eaver a.1.l zzu.ction ealesa of taerchandise de-
<br />scribed in the inventory made and required to be fi3.ed with the City Secretary and any
<br />suah person susta's n' ng any damage or loss ma,y be;Lng suit in any court of aompetent
<br />jurisdiation to recover the same and the provisian of the said bond aha3.1 be construed
<br />l.iberally in favar of any pexson on BCCOLICIt of any loss or damage sustained by any aza„ch
<br />pesrson either direct]„y or indireatly. A.11 remedies u.pan or under such bond shall he i.n
<br />a,ddi.tian tos and cwnulatigs of, all atMer rera,edies the parties raa„q have at law or in
<br />equ3.ty for rsaoupmerit of any .3uch Zassee Qr damagss. The bond sha1.1 be aigned, by two
<br />vr mare suretieas one of xham ffihaL]. be asurety company dcring busineaffi in the State of
<br />Texas and ths athsr sl'~all be a residerit of Lamar County, Texas. Cumulative recoveries rna~
<br />be had on eaid borsd to the ful.l amount theroof.
<br />ARS'. b, TNSk'ECTIC3N OF ST(7CK:-- Tha City Secretary may inspect and 3mrestigate ary,p part
<br />or a3.ll of such stook nr merQhandise coming w3.thin the purview of this ordinance befcare
<br />iss.tixg the licerioe in Qrder to the truth of the staterrEents made in the ap-
<br />plidation and the irnrentory.
<br />ART. LTCENSLP M:-- BoOcrre any licei-ise $hall be issued, the appl3cant sha].l pa,q ta
<br />the GitY of paris a license fee in advanae in the aum equal to arie hundred dc>:t,)Aws per
<br />day for eaah o f the days wl-iich the auction is entitled ta be -held according to
<br />ths licerise.
<br />ART. g. MISRE11HE5ENTAT7DPJ PROHTBZTM:--It ehall be ualawf'ul for an3r persons acting as
<br />aubtioneer to make ar~,v stateaaente which are in any pkrticular, flr which have a
<br />tszidenay to acislead, auy person present, or to make any mi.srepressntation whatsoever or
<br />at all as to the qaala.ty, quantity, cYzaracters presant condition, value, co ste ar
<br />g6neral se1l:i.rg price, or whether new or seeond hand or partl.y eo o£ any property offerec3
<br />Pat' disposal by auctzon sale.
<br />AFtT. 9. BUUaTING PMHZBM.T?:--Tt shall be unlawful for any psrsoxi to act as a by-bidder
<br />or whst is commoril.y known as a"caPPerrt or t'booster" at auuy such auction or place 'Where
<br />any such auctiara $hall take place,, ar to offer or Ie1ake any false bid ar tc>c;ffer ary
<br />false bid to bW tir pretend tp 'ouy a,ny $uch artiel.e sold or ot'f'ered far sale at acay
<br />such auetion.
<br />ilRT. 10. UFSCRIPiIUN kN7 DESIGNATIO:~ ~F BIDDFdts-- It stzall be the duty of the auct3.oneer
<br />to make some description of the aersorr mak:Ung a bid avery t:ttne a b3d 3.s announced and
<br />to point or tv designate the pasitivn of the bidder on the premiess.
<br />ART. 11. I= ICES:- It shal1 be the duty of the perso.n whose m,erchandise ia being
<br />sold at public auCti4n to giva each and every purehaser of am articles the aelling
<br />price of which arwunts to the swn of two dollars and fifty csnts or more, an 3nvoice
<br />containing a full description of ths az•ticle, a.nd the asllirg Price thereof, to,gether
<br />with a stateunent giving each ~rzd every xarranty undsr the artiele was so1d.
<br />D.iplicate copies of said invoices aha1l be h,eA.`~t.
<br />kRT, 12. "PSRSojvjl DEF1'NEDr-- The torsn "tperswn" as used in this ord3rianae shatl includo
<br />and cceprehend any person, fim ar aasociation of persons or any carporation,, their
<br />ggsute., servants ar emplayees.
<br />i~t`i'. 13. ":~1~:'T'Y. ~~~V~~.~`ZUz~ OF LIGEIIS~;a ~I:~~3~I~E s-- p~rso~s v3.olati.t~~ ~ny' of th~
<br />proviaiane of this ordinancer phal'l.. upan cornr3ctian in the corporation couurtj, be fined
<br />3,n any sum not exc+aeding twa hundred do7lars' and each and every day tMat a violatican
<br />of thia ordinanae occurs 3ha1.]. be deemed aseparate offerse. In additien to the penalty
<br />herein ptovided, for, vvhen any sursln person is Car1Y1Gt6d it1 tY1B corporation courts ar
<br />upon apgeaal theref'rom, the ,juidgs of the said corporat3.on court# or any judge upon appeal
<br />therefrom, may revoke the l3.cense under which ths said suctican is bei.rg heldp and it
<br />aah$,11, fse unlawful far ar~,v person whose license is revoked ta hold any auction uttder the
<br />terrns of thia orriinance; provided,, hcsvvevers that any person whose licanse is revoked snay
<br />make application to the governing 'ood,y and# aftar a hearing upan sueh applicatiori far
<br />a re-issuance of any such licenaes may kzave a new license granted upon the order of the
<br />governing bod'y to the City Secretary, provided auch persozi ahall cwnply with the tsrms
<br />and ,provisians of th3s ordiriance.
<br />