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A ~ i <br />OI~DIP1At~G'E A1C3 0 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF ESTMMES AND APPV.PRIATIONS FOR the year begi.nnirg the lst <br />day of XV, 1948, and ending the 30th day of April., 1949, and declaring an emergency. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCiL OF THE CITY OF PARIS: <br />Secti-on lo That for the year ueginning the lst da,•7 of May., 194$, and ending the 30th <br />da;,T of April., 1949, the appropriations are hereby made out of the revenues of <br />the City of Paris of the respective auwunts and for the respective purposes hereinafter <br />stated. <br />There is hereby set aside and appropriated for the purpose of payirg fixed charges and <br />liauil.ities of the City of Paris falling due during the year, the sum of $ 567, 522•15, <br />which is to be applied to the payment of interest and creating of a si,nking fund with <br />which-to pay at maturity the outstandinc,,, bonded indebtedness of the Citv of Paris as <br />follawse <br />WATER WORKS BOIdDS, Series r,Gt' 3 <br />REFtJNDING BONDS., 1927 Issue <br />SE'vrhR (74NSTRUCTION BONDS, Series <br />7934 <br />REFUNDING BOiZS, Series 1936 <br />ftESt3RFACTNG BONDS, Series 1936 <br />ST "ET IMPROVEkdENT B(3NDS., Series <br />1938 <br />CITY OF PArtIS ABA3"1'OIR BONDS <br />PARIS MJNICIE'aI, BAND F'[7ND <br />STREET IMgBOVZ,ENT BC}isDS, Series <br />1937 <br />STRE~~'T IMPffOVSuEiVT BOiMS~ Series <br />1939 <br />11ATERtg;ARKS CONSTRUCTION BUNDS, Series 1939 <br />SEuffR CONSTRUCTIOA1 B3NDS, Series <br />1936 <br />T#ere is hereby set aside and appropriated for the payment of current axpenses of the <br />City Government t,Lj.3,,,,100.~ aPProPriated as follows: <br />ABBA20IR <br />CITY &,~CRETARY <br />TAX ASSE55C1R AND W LLEC'POR <br />ENGINEERING <br />EXECUTNE <br />FIftE WARTUEN`f <br />FTRE XAifSHAL <br />HEALTH <br />PARKS <br />POvzcE <br />PCTLICE COURT <br />SAIdITARY <br />SE14ER <br />STREFTS <br />AfATER DEP ARTEENT <br />VYATER OFFICE <br />ADVERTiSING <br />PtiBLIC LIBRARY . <br />KING' S DAUGHTERS <br />PUBLIC LIGHTIt~G <br />WAREHOUSE <br />INSUHANCE <br />GENERAL AUXSLIARY <br />CAPITAL _UNESTMENT <br />~ 12,000.00 <br />00.00 <br />,004.00 <br />7, lOQ o00 <br />I1,,v2QO.OQ <br />66,400~00 <br />600,00 <br />7, 500 004 <br />13,800.00 <br />58.,55U0.40 <br />2.,500.00 <br />25,000,00 <br />20,QOO.QO ' <br />51, 5DO.00 <br />85,OOO.Qa <br />7,300.00 <br />500.W <br />4,00(T.04 <br />Q <br />1.0.9"00 A (.Ay <br />8.,400.00 <br />4~100.Q0 <br />400(}.00 <br />9, 700.00 <br />25,400.00 <br />The general auxiliary fund to be for necessary expencu.tures not herein otherwise pro- <br />vided and to supplement such of the above funds as unforeseen contingencies ma,y render <br />advisable to supplement. <br />Grand 2ota1 subject to use as CURRENT F'UNDS and to pay current expenses,, <br />L"3.,.100._..-00 <br />