p. Dairy or dairy farm. A dairy or dairy farm
<br />is any premises cows
<br />a part
<br />is sold or oPfered f or sale.
<br />Q. Milk plant. A milk plant is any place or
<br />preraises or establishment ?tahere milk or milk products
<br />are collected, handled, processed, stored, bottled,
<br />pasteurized, r prepared for distribution.
<br />R. Health Officer. The term health officer"
<br />shall mean the Health Officer of the City of Paris,
<br />Texas, or his authorized regresentative.
<br />S. Average bacterial plate count, dircct
<br />microscopic count, reduction time, and coolinq
<br />tenperature. Average baeterial plate count and average
<br />direct microscopic eount shall be taken to mean the
<br />logarith:ric aver•age, and average reduction time and
<br />average cooling temperature shall be taken to mean the
<br />arith.,-aetic average, of the respectiTTe r--sults of the last
<br />four consecutive samples, taken upon separate days,
<br />irrespective of the regrading.
<br />shall
<br />T. Grading period g be such period of time as the health officer may designate
<br />within ivhich gradea shall be deternlined for all milk and
<br />milk products, provided that the grading period shall in
<br />no case exceed 6 months.
<br />U. Yerson. The word '?person" as used in this
<br />ordinance shall mean "person, firm, corporation, or
<br />association".
<br />V. And/or. `r'lhen the term "and/or" is used,
<br />t'and" shall apply where possible, otherwise "or" shall
<br />apply.
<br />Section 2. The sale of adulterated, misbranded,
<br />or ungradedmilk or milk products prohibited.
<br />No person shall within the City of Paris, Texas,
<br />or its police jurisdiction, r_,roduce, sell, offer, or
<br />expose for sale, or have in possession with inten.t to
<br />sell, any milk or milk nroduct which is adulterated,
<br />misbranded, or ungraded. lt shall be urilawf ul for any
<br />person, elsewhere than in a private home, to have in
<br />possession any adulterated, misbranded, or ungraaed
<br />milk or milk products.
<br />Section 3. Permits.
<br />It shall be unlawful for any person, firm.,
<br />association or cor.poration to bring into or receive into
<br />the City of Paris, Texas, or its poli.ce jurisdiction,
<br />for sale, or to sell, or offer for sale therein, or to
<br />have in storage where milk or milk products are sold, or
<br />served, any milk, or milk pro,aucts, defined in this
<br />ordinance, who does not possess a permit in writing there-
<br />for issued by the Health Officer of the City of Paris,
<br />Texas, as provided herein, and on whose vehicle there
<br />does not appear in a conspicuous place the permit number
<br />inPigures at least three (3) inehes high as required by
<br />Item 26r and Item 23p of Section 7 of this ordinance.
<br />Only a person who complies with the requiremtnts
<br />of t'As ordinance shall be entitled to receive and retain
<br />such a permit.
<br />