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STAFF CONTACT: Terry Townsend, Dir. of Parks and Recreation; and Larry W. Schenk, City <br />Attorney <br /> <br />COST: The proposed Lease Agreement is for one dollar and other good and valuable consideration. <br /> <br />SCHEDULE: The current Lease Agreement expires by its own terms on September 30, 2001. City <br />Council is being requested to provide guidance to Staff on the terms and provisions of a future Lease <br />Agreement with the Archers, such guidance to be provided at City Council's August 13,2001, regular <br />Council meeting, with staff to return with a Lease Agreement reflecting those directions for <br />consideration and approval at City Council's September 10, 2001, regular Council meeting. <br /> <br />LOCATION: Various tracts located around Lake Crook as proposed by the Archers organization; <br />a copy of a map detailing the location of those respective sites is included in this packet. <br /> <br />SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: See enclosed a copy of the portion of the Master Plan <br />addressing Option Two; a copy of the Archers' proposal for an extended lease agreement; a copy of <br />the Archers' prior and current Lease Agreements; and a copy of a map showing the respective <br />locations of the various tracts included in the Archers' proposal. <br /> <br />COUNCIL DATE: Consider for discussion and possible action regarding direction to City Staff at <br />City Council's August 13, 2001, regular Council meeting, to be followed by the presentation of a <br />formal Lease Agreement for consideration by City Council at the September 10, 2001, regular <br />Council meeting. <br /> <br /> <br />