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Cit~ of Paris Stud~, of Lake Crook March, 2001 <br /> <br />year. Unattended campgrounds, howevdr, are not recommended. <br /> <br />A well-built RV campground will also require bath house and restrooms on-site. In fact all of the <br />soutl~'shore park needs restroom facilities which are light and clean. Controlling access to the <br />park, careful selection of'building materials, and a full-time lake caretaker will minimize vandalism <br />to these structures. Package aerobic wastewater treatment systems with subsurface disposal <br />fields are recommended for use with bath houses and restrooms. <br /> <br />Table of Advantages versus Disadvantages <br /> <br />for O ~tion 2 <br /> <br />1. Preservation of the land for future <br />generations <br /> <br />2. Development costs can be shared <br />through grants from various agencies <br /> <br />1. Loss of the revenues from the sale of <br />land. <br /> <br />2 Loss of tax revenues from developed <br />lots. <br /> <br />3. Lessees get to keep thek leases for 3. Costs of development with little revenue <br />archery and gun shooting to offset the costs <br />4. Recreational benefits afibrded the whole 4. Loss of water/sewer revenues from a <br />city and not just a few developers and developed subdivision <br />residents <br /> <br />5. Tourist draw for campgrounds and 5. Cost of developing and maintaining <br />special events, adequate access routes into the park. <br /> <br />6. Opens the property up to traffic and 6. Maintenance costs exceed city's present <br />reduces criminal activity and vandalism, ability to maintain high level parks; <br /> additional staffing needed. <br /> <br />If the city is to adequately open the south shore to formal park development replete with <br />campgrounds and picnic facilities for hundreds of persons at one time, the access roads to the site <br />must be improved. We have included in this section the cost of improving the park as well as the <br />cost of improving each of three access routes. At least one million dollars will be necessary if <br />ail three routes are widened and resurfaced. <br /> <br />With respect to priority, the improvement to Lake Crook Road is the highest priority and CR <br />32900 and NW 19~h Street tie for second priority. <br /> <br />The access to NW 190' Street should be opened up even if it must be gated for night time security. <br />Daytime traffic fromNW 19~' Street and Lake Crook Road will be essential to deter crime and <br />illegal dumping in the area. <br /> <br />Improvements to existing boat ramps and fishing piers is recommended. An additional fishing <br />pier is recommended on the north shore when that park is eventually developed. Several <br /> <br />Page 28 of 45 <br /> <br /> <br />