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The large percentage increase for industrials proposed by the Company and recommended pursuant <br />to the Settlement Agreement is attributable to historic under-allocation of fixed costs and an application of <br />an allocation methodology that all parties agree would have a reasonable expectation of adoption by the <br />Railroad Commission if this case were to be reviewed on appeal. The allocation is consistent with the <br />allocation methodology approved by the Commission in a Dallas distribution case at the end of last year. <br />Despite the large percentage increase in industrial rates, TXU cannot charge those rates until existing <br />contracts with industrial customers expire. Ifa given industrial customer has competitive fuel options, that <br />customer may remain a customer of TXU under a lower negotiated contract rate, regardless of the tariffs <br />approved in this case. <br /> <br /> Cities' consultants approved the proposed service charges, and these charges will result in $16,040 <br />in additional system revenues. <br /> <br /> One final important note is that TXU's filing included all costs of natural gas in base rates. Cities' <br />consultants recommended approving for base rate inclusion only the portion of gas costs authorized by the <br />Railroad Commission in TXU's last city gate rate proceeding. The Settlement removes all gas costs from <br />base rates. That should be of benefit to Cities in the future in explaining to citizens that the Cities have no <br />regulatory authority over the cost of the commodity (the price of which has become extremely volatile <br />during the last year), but rather only over the costs of the delivery of the commodity from the city gate to <br />the end user. <br /> <br />Percentage ~'hanges Resulting From Settlement <br /> <br /> % Change In RS % Change in Total % Change In % Change in Total <br /> Margin RS Commercial Margin Commercial <br /> (gas costs excluded) (gas costs included) (gas costs excluded) (gas costs included) <br />Athens 41.32 12.22 61.02 9.5 <br />Bells 14.89 -0.41 50.70 2.9 <br />Clarksville -8.12 -5.76 24.50 0.88 <br />Corsicana 19.78 3.81 -17.01 -6.13 <br />Crandall 61.78 13.45 36.82 6.17 <br />Denison 15.47 5.65 5.77 2.42 <br />Ennis -1.30 1.61 -5.08 1.24 <br />Farmersville 4.16 0.42 9.51 0.85 <br />Gainesville 48.24 11.16 -10.49 -3.14 <br />Greenville 22.43 4.56 22.29 4.12 <br />Howe 182.43 21.18 85.32 9.10 <br />Kaufman 10.45 0.60 13.41 3.04 <br />Malakoff 104.89 17.07 97.47 9.52 <br />Maypearl -4.01 -0.82 -7.94 - 1.44 <br />Midlothian -3.77 -0.66 -6.82 0.76 <br /> <br /> <br />