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CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM BRIEFING SHEET <br />Submittal Date: <br />Originating Department: <br />Presented By: <br />Agenda Item No.: <br />07/16/12 <br />Council Date: <br />City Manager <br />John Godwin <br />17. <br />7/23/12 <br />RECOMMENDED MOTION: <br />POLICY ISSUE(S): <br />Economic Development <br />BACKGROUND: <br />For many years the city has maintained a very detailed and very specific ad valorem tax abatement policy. Both <br />the county and PJC adopted and maintained the very same policy, which was developed over a long period of <br />time and with much input from a number of sources. This single policy approach promotes consistency and <br />predictability in economic development negotiations, which are typically the responsibility of the PEDC, which, <br />within certain restrictions, acts on behalf of all three jurisdictions. <br />Recently, based on state law, the city was required to re-adopt its abatement policy to maintain its authority. At <br />that time, the city attorney researched policies from other cities and noted the trend in many municipalities and <br />counties to adopt much shorter policies with more freedom to negotiate on a case by case basis. He prepared a <br />new policy, reducing the old one in complexity, and also eliminating specific tables that directly related job <br />creation to abatement eligibility and scope. <br />Both Lamar County and Paris Junior College expressed some initial concern over making these major changes, <br />and we spoke briefly about the proposed new policy last month at a PEDC meeting. In response I recommended <br />that the city council go ahead and at least temporarily readopt the old policy as is so we would have a valid one in <br />place should a significant ED opportunity present itself. In the meantime, a committee consisting of the county <br />judge, city manager, chief appraiser, tax collector, and college president scheduled a meeting to try to come to a <br />consensus. <br />We met on July 12 and both the county and the college reiterated their preference for all three jurisdictions to <br />have the same policy rather than two or three different ones, and also expressed their plan to leave the existing <br />policy in place as is, with no changes. The PEDC director also indicated he preferred keeping the old policy, as it <br />made the process of requesting and granting abatements more predictable and consistent. <br />At this point, the city needs to adopt the new draft policy, make additional modifications to the new draft, or take <br />no action and leave the existing policy in place. <br />BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: <br />EXHIBITS: <br />Resolution, Guidelines & Criteria for Granting Tax Abatements <br />ACTION: <br />BUDGET INFO: <br />❑ Financial Report ❑ Minute Order <br />Expense <br />$ <br />❑ Department Report Z Resolution <br />Budgeted Amt. <br />$ <br />❑ Presentation ❑ Ordinance <br />yTD Actual <br />$ <br />❑ Public Hearing ❑ Other <br />Acct. Name <br />Acct. Number <br />FISCAL NOTES: <br />City of Paris 5n Revised 6/20/12 <br />.7 <br />