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Gaming. Gas. z I <br /> ne same may be known, and ~ithc NUMBER XXlII. <br /> may be constructed or operated, h{ <br /> ¢. OAS. <br />ten dollars nor more than twenty-fiw iN ORDINANCE reKulating the manufacture and vending of gas m the city of Paris. <br />n shall be indicted under this sectior <br />~ith dice or dominoes at a private resi~ Whereas, there has been organized in the city of Paris, a gas <br /> ght company for the purpose of manufacturing and vending gas <br /> 5'the citizens, which company is a private corporation, under the <br />~ shall permit any game prohibited b' <br />~ance, or any game prohibited by Ar ~ws of Texas,· and which is known by the .name of the Paris Gas <br />he Penal Code of the State of Texas, ~ightCompany. Now for the protection to said company and to <br /> .id in the e.nterprise and for the benefit of the city, therefore, be <br />r a house under his control, or upon <br />~es under his control, said house being., ordained by the city council of the city 6f Paris. <br />~' · * That said gas company shall have the exclusive <br />roses being appurtenances to a public~ SEc. ~. <br /> less than twenty-five nor more thanl ight and privilege of erecting, establishing and operating gas <br /> vorks in said city, and of vending gas to the citizens of Paris for <br /> shall rent to another a room Or house~ he term of three years from this date. <br />~d as a place for playing, dealing or S~c. 2. To enable said company to construct its gas works <br /> nd to extend and construct its mains in said city, the said com- <br />~ prohibited by this ordinance, or by <br />f the Penal Code of the State of Texas, }any is authorized to run and extend its pipes through or under <br />tn twenty-five nor more than one hun- ~ny street or alley or other public place in said city, and for that <br /> mrpose shall be permitted to take up the pavements or dig up the <br /> :reets, and said company shall replace and repair the same, and <br /> city attorney may summons persons <br /> iall~be responsible to the city for any damage that may arise <br />as witnesses to testify as to violations <br /> herefrom, or for any failure .to place the same in as good repair <br />~e foregoing sections. Any person so <br /> is before being dug up, or sidewalks removed, and also for any <br />all not be liable to prosecution for any; <br />Jt which he may testify, and for any anreasonable delay in replacing or repairing the same, and said <br />ordinance a conviction may be had :ompany shall be subject to all the regulations of the city hereto- <br />tce of an accomplice or participant, fore made or hereafter to be established concerning streets and <br />r and parts of ordinances in conflict flleys and to the same ordinances and penalties that individuals <br />y repealed. ~ ~ay be subject to. <br /> : :; _S~c, 3' The foregoing ordinance shall not interfere with the <br /> ght of any citizen to erect or cause to be erected and operated, <br /> as'works on his or her own premises, for supplying his or her <br /> ~Wn premises exclusively with light. <br /> · Approved March I4th, ~878. <br /> <br /> <br />
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