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Comprehensive Plan, City of Paris, Texas <br />Planning Process <br />• lot coverage; and <br />• bulk of structures. <br />Zoning regulations must be adopted in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of <br />the Zoning Ordinance is to: <br />(1) lessen congestion in the streets; <br />(2) secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers; <br />(3) promote health and the general welfare; <br />(4) provide adequate light and air; <br />(5) prevent the overcrowding of land; <br />(6) avoid undue concentration of population; or <br />(7) facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewers, schools, parks, and <br />other public requirements. <br />According to the Texas Civil Statutes, Zoning regulations must be uniform for each class or kind <br />of building in a district, but the regulations may vary from district to district. The regulations <br />shall be adopted with reasonable consideration, among other things, for the character of each <br />district and its peculiar suitability for particular uses, with a view of conserving the value of <br />buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land in the municipality. <br />A majority of the governing body of a municipality may adopt or amend a Comprehensive Plan <br />at any time, after public hearing. The policies of a Comprehensive Plan may only be <br />implemented by ordinances duly adopted by the municipality and shall not constitute land use or <br />zoning regulations or establish zoning district boundaries. <br />SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS <br />Subdivision regulations are another legislative tool to implement the Comprehensive Plan by <br />guiding the subdivision and development of land. Subdivision regulations provide coordination <br />of otherwise unrelated plans as well as internal design of individual sites. The general purposes <br />of the subdivision regulations are to: <br />• protect and promote the public health, safety, convenience, comfort and general <br />welfare; <br />• guide the future growth and development; <br />• provide for the proper location and width of streets, roads, building lines, open space <br />and recreation and to avoid congestion of population; <br />• protect and conserve the value of land, buildings and improvements and to minimize <br />conflicts among the uses of land and buildings; <br />• establish reasonable standards of design for subdivision in order to further the orderly <br />layout and use of land; <br />• insure that public facilities, including roads, water, sewer and drainage facilities, are <br />adequate to serve the needs of proposed subdivisions. <br />S:\95288\WPQlina1 rcpon 2-01.dWc - 5 u.. <br />