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AMBULANCE SERVICF COtJTRACT <br />5TATE OF TEXAS ~ <br />COUNTY OF LAMAR ~ <br />This contract made and sntered into this 9th day of <br />August, 1982, by and between the CITY OF PARIS, Paris, Texas, <br />a body politic, acting by and through its Mayor, duly author- <br />ized, hereinafter cal1ed City; and the COUNTY OF LAMAR, State <br />of Texas, acting by and through its County Judge, duly author- <br />ized,hereinafter called County; hereby contract and agree as <br />follows: <br />l. City covenants and agrees that it will furnish and <br />provide adequate ambulance service and related emergency <br />service to all persons within the County of Lamar, without <br />regard to race, color, sex or national origin. <br />2. City covenants and agrees that it will comply with <br />all safety requirements of the law pertaining to the furnish- <br />ing of ambulance service and that all vehicles used as ambul- <br />ances will be distinctly marked arid colored as required by <br />State law and City ordinances. The ambuiance service shall <br />be referred to as "CITY OF PARIS AMBULANCE SERUICE'° and the <br />vehicles used in providing said service shall bear the City <br />of Paris decal with the additional words, "serving PARIS and <br />LAMAR COUNTY." <br />3. City agrees that ambulance attendants will be certi- <br />fied by the Texas State Department of Health under the terms <br />of the Emergency Ambulance Act; that each emergency ambulance <br />shall have the services of a driver and attendant, one of whom <br />has satisfactorily completed the Red Cross Advanced First-Aid <br />Course or certified by State of Texas as Ernergency Care At- <br />tendant or who is qualified as an Emergency Medica1 Technician- <br />Ambulance; that all attendants must complete the course of the <br />