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% <br />~ ..._.r ` i... <br />, <br />~ <br />lod <br />EXHIBIT A <br />STATE OF TEXAS X <br />KiJOW ALL MEN BY THFSE PRESENTS : <br />COTJNTY OF LAS'IAR X <br />That, the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, a municipal <br />corgorar:ion hereiriafter called Gity and Odis 0. Woodard <br />and wife, Vernon T. Woodar.d, of Lamar County, Texas, <br />hereinafter ealleci Woodard cio eontract and agree as <br />follows: <br />l. Woodard agrees ta grant a 13.3 foot wide <br />permanent easement and an additional 16.7 foot wide <br />temporary constructian easement to the City of Paris <br />for the Buttermilk Creek Drainage Project, Phase II, <br />saicl easement bcing i_r the form of Exhibit "A" attached <br />hereto. <br />2. City agrees to pay to Woodard, SIX HUNDRED, <br />SEVENTY-F~VE r1ND N01100 DULLAR6 ($675.00); construct <br />afive foot high chain link fence on the top of the <br />West retainin; wall of said ditch; re:move all dead trees <br />designared for remaval. by Woodard located on the lot <br />adjacent to said consf-ruct.ion project and to remove <br />designated living r.rees designated by Woodard anci ta <br />remove li.ving trees .f_rom +_.Iie permanent easement area <br />all of which trees are to be cut in designated lengths and <br />stored in Wooclard's back yard; and to deposit and spread <br />projec.t spoils as de,ired by Woodard on Woodard's property. <br />3. City shall be responsible to Woodard for damage <br />done to living trees in the temporary construction <br />easement axea and outside of all easement areas. <br />4. City shall spread a11 spoils deposited on <br />Wcaoclard' s property as directed by Woodard. <br />