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"I'lie !'0\'I'It:1CTt:)I: hcr(ov agrees to con~mcnce work ,,;thin ten (10) days after the dxte"` <br />,xri;tten notice tu (3o so shall have been ~,*iven to him, anc3 to aubstantially complete the same • calenclar ciays <br />._working days after the clate uf the «•ritten notice to commence k•ork, subject tu ~uch extc.nsions of time as are provided by the General and Special Conditions. <br />TIIi: OWNEIl a~;r•ees to Pay the CONTRACTOR in current fands the price or prices shownin <br />the proposal, which forms a part of this contract, such payments to be subject to the General <br />and Special Conditions of the contract. <br />1N tiVI7'INI:SS WHI:REOF, the partie9 to these presents have executed this Agreement~in the year and riav first above Nv:itten. • CITY OF PARIS DAVID BUSTER, INC, <br />---i}--- <br />Pur~ ~ of the First Pnrt (0WNEIt) Purtp of the Second Yart (CO:dTRACTOR) i <br />~ " . <br />fi~•:-- - - By. <br />«i TFST: Joe Graham, Tlayor qTTEST: <br />. <br />H. C. Greene, ity er . <br />