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St'ate Departmotit oi IIi <iy-s <br />L7riti PuFi11C TYSiiSpC;2"t:lr iot1 <br />Right: of [vay ri_v1s;:, <br />Farm D-15-24A <br />Pasre 1 of 2 <br />kPV, B-75 <br />! , ; lAITY J 07 NT l's!,: n(,tiEi~_Mt,NT <br />(;1U-,.(,c.?;1C:Z"o1-lt'_G <1(:C':::5 }i7gl:lJ:tV) <br />THE sTATE OF TEXA:> ~ CoilNrcI ._amar <br />rEZO.IFCT 8001-1-22 ~ <br />(;Q1;N7'Y OF TRIIVTS ~ AC(;T. 1d0. U-8571 <br />11I01WAY _ L'286 _ <br />T.?M['1'S: Fron, US 271 north cf Paris <br />Z'o US 271 Southeast of Par <br />W}{ERTAS, the State of Texas, hereinal-ter called c.iic State, acti_ng by and tluough <br />the State Dt:p4rtment oi il_;;hways and oul>lic TrarisportaLion, pzopo;;es to mal;e <br />certain highway improwemeiits on ttiat sLction of the ahove :ndicated highway. <br />ti,,tt~'"REl~S, tlie 1tS ` ~ A <br />ar1 S ,!iere i natcer called the (haner, <br />proposes to retain, loe..xLp oi :a?ocltf:: <ertain ot its r::cil.ities and retai:z title <br />to anv property rignt.s :r_ m,+y ".3ve on, a]ong or across, and within or over s;ich <br />liinits oi the highway 08lit u'= w.iy ri:. _ndicr;ted RqXK$gXp3tgggX'RgkgRkqlXkRXM,,kkky <br />~a~x~ft~~1~J~xs~ftx~#~~kk~~xkXxS?5t~~t~CxR'~x3~~?5~.~:axxxxxxXY xxxS~~~x`~~Cxxx.~~acx.xx~c:,~.xx~cxx~~xx <br />gXXg#Xiocation sl:etehes , I 1Qed liurcto except r:ts provided below. <br />NOW 7'}[F;R];FORE, iT i:> hor~hv mutual1v ,reed Lhw1 10111t us.i;" Mr both L .;hwdy rti:(i <br />"tility purposes will h:, oade of the n,cs wi_Chin _'tie hi_( aa=; right ot way ~imits <br />:S Sl1Cit 'dTt:3 ?S de{lt'f'ii Alll.l +;O Lhd.' C'nLoT:i: 11lCIlCatPd Oil t}lE a:iiYE'IAl_'11tlOTiEd plRP.S OT <br />sketch,s. Where Ch.rriez !^r rea6o.l ci ownership of_ <:n easement or fee title or other- <br />W1SE,' lli1dE:Y ZaW h:3S ~tIG t_'.'l:i CU ,;It1,1_ :iJdtfy Ox ,:'tUCl r0 f:iL1l1t1t?:i pTE'.tif:Iltl;' lOt:c`ltEfj <br />Wlt:hlri the c1TE'3 36UVE.' dec` r;lr:r1 Jr ('Q113,` Y11Ct 1(jC11 L 10R3l iaCl ll.tl2:= l`:h::2''?LT'iy :>11l'tl <br />right is Iier.eby reta:ined, prov:c,cd, hc;aever, if ex.isting fr, are co be alrered <br />or r.?odi.ried or new i,icilit:ioq <„tstructcc iaithin said area the otan,r aRrees to notify <br />the State Department of Ni_p,hwrZ, ar;i Pubi)_c "1'ransportation prior thereto, to iurrish <br />• . II2C£Ss3tj/ Ske'tCllfS S~?04~'ls'~:; CU;'~i1.tClis t~✓"~~E' 0f COT1Stf'~41:t70II, aRCj iIItthUdS CO D(: tiSE'd TOr <br />pTOtE:Ct:ZU71 OI +:IBffIC, a;:_j I1 , ii', L_hi' 'l;ll!itOTi Of ChC' 7rRLE' j1E?t;ai"t:'.TIE;T'it. Jf };1€?}1N'<ly: &Ll(.j <br />Pll}J11C lrclllSpOYrcltlOil, SLI,:C'. 81;'21.:ti.OCl, ii:o(j1t1CaL:lOi1, i;r IlE".J COIlSkTL1Ct10:1 wll.i 1Rjllre <br />tllE' }I1_gllWaY QY C'T1QaT1gP7' Y,}lE: L2'<3M-':Iip i7llbl?.C US11:k; Sa.Ld l11^}1WaV, the 5i3tE' PCp21'C.!;aTlt <br />of Hightaays and Pub7_ic `i'r-1nspo.Lation stiall_ hrive the ric,ht, arter r.eceipc ot such <br />T10r7Cf_', iA piCSCTlI)e 5'1C}; Tt"i,&Pt10T1S :{S 11CCC,c,^,aYV fOI" the pT'Ot=E'C1:iJIl Df the I11_g}7W<iy <br />fac iii ty and the travei i ng pu'., ic us irtg s:i i,+ (iibhwav; provided YUr[her, however, that <br />sucr: reguiaticns sha1l no* exter,:.' to tho reqtiirir.,, of the nT_acement of intended over- <br />i1(.3d 11rif:'S L1i1dr T`i'OllriCl t)1 rtie ?'Oti?-.iIlg Of .=ti1y i.iIlE,'S' OlltSl(jC' Of CftP_ "dlEa Of jULTIt US3gP <br />above desci:ihed. <br />In the event of an emer.;runev, i t_ l,eing cvident ibot immedi.ite action is necessary Lor <br />protection of the publi.c ancl Lc, miilimi~ze propertv uamage and loss of investmenc, <br />either party hereto mny vt tiieie nwn rE ;ponsibility and rislc make necessary emergency <br />repairs, noti£ Ll.e otlier par*y hc reto of rl:i_s action as soon as is practical. <br />Pa:ticipation in actual costs inct:rred oy the Owner for any future relocation or <br />adiust:ment of utilzLy Facilitie:3 required by }ligliway construction shall be i.n accordanc~ <br />with and to the extert possi.hie under a=jplicable laws nf the State of Texas. F.xcept <br />