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sArvices EXHIBIT A <br />, <br />AR~TEX SERVICES, Inc. <br />. _ . <br />_ ~ - - i ~ ~ - ~ location # .(„Company") <br />agrees to supply and t h e undersigned Customer("Customer') agrees to rent garments and/or other items ("Merchandise") and accept related services <br />from Company, in accordance with the following terms, conditions and schedule of charges: <br />Changes Charge Garment <br />No. of Employees Garment (per week) (per employeeiweekj Charaes <br />UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE THE GARMENTS SUPPLIEG <br />UNDER THIS AGREEMENT ARE NOT FLAMF RETARDANT OR ACID <br />RESISTANT AND CONTAIN NO SPECIAL FLAME RETARDANT OR <br />ACID RESISTANTFEATURES. THEYARE NOTDESIGNED FOR USE IN <br />AREAS OF FLAMMABILITY RISK OR WHERE CONTACT WITH HAZAR <br />DOUS MATERIALS IS POSSIBLE. FLAME RETARDANT AND ACID <br />RESISTANT GARMENTS ARE AVAILABLE FROM COMPANY ON RE <br />QUEST. CUSTOMEFt WARRANTS THAT NONE OF THE CMPLOYEES <br />FOR WHOM GARMENTS ARE SUPPLIED PURSUAPJTTO THISAGREE <br />MENTREQUIRE FLAME RETARDANTORACID RESISTANTCLOTHING <br />1. Company will furnish Customer with Merchandise as described, <br />freshly processed, mended and finished in accordance with yenerally <br />accepted standards of ;he textile rental industry. Company will replace <br />Merchandise wom out through normal wear and tear which can no longer <br />be rendered adequately serviceable. <br />2. Ail Merchandise supplied to Customer under this Agreement is the <br />property of Company and shall be promptly retumed on demand. Custo <br />mer agrees to be responsible for Merohandise lost or damaged except <br />through normal wear and tear. Lossidamage charges for garments shall <br />be at Company's current retail price. Loss/damage charges for other items <br />supplied are specrfied above Customer is responsible for the yarment <br />and service charges appllcabie to each employee without regarG to the <br />absence of employee for any reason other than termination of employ <br />ment. <br />3. The term of this Agreement shall be for one hundred fifty-six (1561 <br />consecutive weeks from the date Merchanciise is first installed on <br />Customers premises, and shall Ge renewed for successive fifty-two (52) <br />consecutive week periods unless either party gives the other written <br />notfce of termination at least thirty (30) days before the end of the then <br />current contract term. Subject to availability of specially ordered Mer <br />chandise, installation shali occur no more than forty-five (45) days from tne <br />date of this Agreement. <br />4. All rental service and preparation charges (indudiny name, emblem, <br />and lettering charges) are due and payable in cash on delivery o' <br />Merchandise; except that if Customers credit is approved by Company. <br />payment is due withir ten (10) days of the date of each statement <br />rendered by Company. Any statement or charge not paid when due is <br />subject to a late payment charge of 11,o per month on any unpaid <br />balance, but in no event in excess of the highest ra1P permitted by law_ <br />5. The terms of this Agreement shall apply to all increases or additions ir <br />Merchandise and related services, as reflected in Cnmpany's supplemen <br />tal order forms. Customer agrees that the p!ices set forth in this Agree- <br />ment for Merchandise and related services may be increased due to <br />increased labor, energy or material costs on thirty (30) days writ;en notice <br />from Company. <br />6. The Merchandise and related services describec above shali not be <br />reduced, except that Customer may reduce the garments and services <br />related thereto in the event an employee is no longer employed by <br />Customerand is not replaced by another employee, subject to Customers <br />obliyation to notify Company of the employee's termination and the return <br />of the garments issued to the employee. With respect to the categories o! <br />Merchandise and service covered by this Agreement, Customer acknow <br />ledges that Company's Merchai-idise and service are not interchangeable <br />with that of other textile rental and maintenance c,ompanies and to ;3void <br />intermixing of Merchandise and service agrees that during the tenn oi this <br />Agreement and any renewals, as to the categories of Merchandise and <br />service covered by this Agreement, Customer will use only Companys <br />Merchandise and service, and wili have Company's Merchandise(indu(i <br />ing garments) processed only by Company. This restriction does not <br />apply to categories of Merchandise not contracted for under this <br />4grPement. <br />7. Customer expressly waives the right ?o terminate this Agreement <br />during the initial term or any extension thereef for deficiencies in service <br />and/or quality ot Merchandlse uniess: (1) complaints are first made <br />T'•r ~ f~ ' r.a <br />Customer Name -"/L <br />Customer Address <br />❑ Corporation ❑ Partnership ❑ individuai <br />i iile <br />Customer Signature (PRINT AND 51GN NAME) <br />promptly in writing to C;ompany, statiny the precise nature of any com- <br />plaints; (2) Company is afforded at least thirty (30) days to correct or take <br />reasonable steps to correct :~ny deficiency complained of, and (3) Com- <br />pany fails to correci or take reasonable steps to correct those deficiencies <br />ccmplained ot within thirty (30) days. In the event Company attempts to <br />correct tt-~e de!iciencies, and customer believes such corrections are <br />inadequate, Customershail give Companywritten explanatiorr of the basis <br />for the claim of inadequate correction. <br />8- in the event ihat Customer cancels, breaches or otherwise termi- <br />nates this Ayreement, or any ex?ensions hereof, prior to the end of the <br />term, without limiting Coinpany's remedies, Customer agrees to buy from <br />Company at Companys option, all the garments then in service at <br />Gompany's tllen current retail price, less an amount equal to two end <br />ume-half percent (25°0) of su-,h price multiplied by the number of <br />conipl~te monfhsthisA.greemeno hasthenbeen ineffect, butinnoevent <br />shall the pnce payable be less than !wenty five percent (25°/0) of the <br />i:UirE;lt rEfHil UnCP. Of the ifPmiSi <br />9 CompanY and CustomPr h,~reby waive a!r claims against each other <br />tor damayes ansing trom interruption or postponement of service caused <br />by reason of acts of Gcd, strikes, lockouts, or oiher industrial disturbances, <br />wars.riots,arrests,explosions,fire accidents or any other cause not within <br />the sole conlrol ot the cwstorner orCompany. In such event, Customer <br />m:ry continue to use ihe Merchandise without Company's laundering and <br />mamtenance service and Gurnpanys charges shall be at the rate of <br />twenty-five percent i250,] otihe amount ordlnarilydue underthiscontraCt, <br />excepf loss!damaye charges shall remain unchanged. Upon discon <br />tinuance of the ceuse(s) o; intcrruption or postponement Uf serviCe, <br />Company shall resume normal service and the ihen current term ef this <br />Ayreement shall be extended by a Geriod equai to the period of the <br />interruption or postponemen! <br />i 0 In the event of any controversy, claim or dispute as to construction or <br />operation of, or rights and liabilities relating to thisAgreement, each such <br />yuestion shall be sLbmitted to and settled by arbitration to be conducted <br />by the The American Arbitration Association and held in the state and <br />county in which Company's faciliiy providing serviCe to CustOmer is <br />~~ated Gustomaragrees to reimburse Corttpany for all costs of litigation <br />,ind reasonabie attorney's fees which Company may incur by reason of <br />Custorner's failure to perform under [his Agreement. <br />11- Gustomerrepresentsandwarrantsthat.asofthe dateofthiscuntract <br />or the date ot installation of tJerchandise and commencement of service, <br />Customer is not obligated to obiain Merchandise or service covered by <br />this Ayreement from any other person or entity, and that the execution of <br />this Agreement by Customer does not and will not constitute a breach of <br />any existing contract to which Custumer is a party. Customer agrees to <br />indemnify Company from and against any losses, claims, expenses, <br />damages, or liabilities, including reasonable attomey's tees incurred by <br />Company as a result of any misrepresentation by Customer under this <br />SP.CtlOfl. <br />12 This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to ?he benefit <br />of the parties hereto, their heirs, administrators, executors, successors or <br />assiyns, and supersedes any prior arrangement, agreement or under- <br />standinq relating to the siibject matter of this agreement. <br />13. This Agreement shall be construed to be several in its nature, and as <br />such, if for any reason any paragraph or portion of any paragraph is <br />subsequently deterrnined to be invalid or unenforceable, or in need of <br />rnociification by any courf or by the arbitrator for any reason, then and in <br />tl7at event, the rest oi this Agreement shall stand and be in fuil force and <br />etfect as modified, except insofar as the invalid porfion thereof shall be <br />stricken. <br />? 4. Custorner has read ihe foregoing in its entirety and unrierstands ali <br />of its terms and conditions, and the person signiny on behaif of <br />Customer warrants tu Company that he has the authority and power to <br />execute thls Agreement on behalf of Customer, and after the execution <br />hereof Customer is bound by al( of the terms and conditions herein. <br />Sta1e Zip <br />7P,1. <br />Da?e <br />Compf Sales Representative _ <br />F~ Titie ~0te <br />.r- <br />Order Accepted By (for Company) <br />'See reverse side for address of planUdt:pot identified hy localion nurnber <br />R.ate P~1in. & p e r C oss charge S <br />Item Inventory 11; Per i`iixquency Services (per item) Der- osit <br />