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<br />EXHIBIT A <br />STATE OF TEXAS <br />COUNTY OF TRAVIS <br />This AGREi.t1ENT, da"! 1`~'''' --Sep t8mber" by and hetweF>ii <br />Cl7C 5C3Ce Of Te1:'ris, }if,C~?n.If`k-: Ll.1 1I's t L':irra RIl:I <br />[ hc C i t-v of P~rl_S_ _ _ 1 L3ITia.x' y , 'Cc•xas , rt c t i j1~, hY <br />3rici t}iCOitg}, 1Cs du1,, ( i`.~t-~; t'i <br />the 12th day ot September t' 383 r},; "i,actv of <br />Second Part, i;; mzi(ic- to become et10-rLiVEa whOn i;;'. 1y ~~;;ecuti •i hi; `,.>rlr; part:ies, <br />W I T N E Ss <br />WtIF.REAS, by virtue oF a Ptunicipal Maii)tenanee ,1Kreemeiit e.ntere<] into bv the <br />City and t}ie State, the City has authorized the State to mrii_ntaiil certain highways <br />within the City which c.onsist in part of the freeway type highway; and <br />WHEREAS, frc,m time to time the City requests the S[ate to install traffic <br />signals on such highways; and <br />WHEREAS, the Sta[e under the provisions of Minute Order 70179, dated July 31, <br />1975, has autliority to Lnstall traffic signals i.n cities of over 15,000 population <br />on freeway type highways; and <br />WHF.REAS, the City lias a population of over 15,000 according to the latest <br />Pederal Census; <br />A G R E E M E N T <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of, the premises and of the mutual covenants <br />ancl agreements of the parties hereta to be by them respectively kept and <br />performed, as hereinafter aet fortti, it is agreed as fol2ows: <br />AGREEMENT (TRAFFIC SI(aNAL FREEWAY - TYPE B) 2_82 <br />