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EXHIBIT A <br />LLASL AUF:EEMENT <br />STATE <br />OE" <br />TEXAS <br />¢ <br />COi1NTY <br />OF <br />LqMqR <br />§ <br />LEASE AGxEE14I:NT between the CITY OF PARIS, a <br />municipal corporation, acting by and thr_ough its Mayor duly <br />authorized, hcreinafter re;erred ro as Lessor, and LAMAR <br />COUNTY riUMAN RESOIIRCES COUNCIL, INC., Paris, Texas, acting <br />bY ancl through its I'resident duly autherized, herein<<fter <br />referred ro as Lessee, WITIvESSETH: <br />For and i_n consideration of the payment to the <br />CITY OF' PARIS, a municipal corporation, the sum of One and <br />NoJ100 Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable con<;id- <br />eration, the CITY OF PAp,I, does hereby lease, rent and let <br />tir.ta the LAMAR CUUNTY HU1,1AN RESOURCES COUNCIL, TP1C., the <br />properry described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a <br />par_t hereof for a11 legal purposes. <br />The term of this Lease is ior two (2) years, <br />beginning on the lst day or January, 1984 and ending on the <br />31st day of December, 1985, <br />IN COl'dSIDERATIOTd HEREOF, it is mutually agreed by <br />ar,d between Lessor and Lessee: <br />1. That Lessce will use and maintain the <br />described preinises for a Seniox Citizens Center with Lessee <br />rnaintaining a nutrition and recreation program far a11 <br />seriior c.itiLens of Paris, Texas. <br />2. That L,essee will be responsible tor the <br />maintenance, repair and upkeep of the said prernises, ordi- <br />nary wear and tear excepted. <br />3. Lessee agrees to indemnify, save, keep and <br />hold harr.lless Lessor from and against any and all demands, <br />debts, liabilities, suits, and causes of acti.on of <br />