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N01'ICE TO BIDDFRS <br />e C1tY of Paris will receive sealed bids until 10:00 A,M,,WE,dnesday, july 981rer cr,e (1) vertical turbine type pump furnished and instalied for the cityo8~pariā€¢;' <br />GrutE?- I)epartment. <br />Bids r,ddressed to the lionorable Mayor and City Council, Offic.e of City *fay,,r, Cit-y <br />~'f Paris, City Hall, F.O. Box 1037, Paris, Texas 75460, wi7i. be received until lt?:Ct% <br />`K'ednesday, July 8, 1981 at which time all bids will be publicly vperied, tabu?atcd <br />anei reterred to the rlayor anC City Council for consideration at the City Council <br />"1c et'I;F; yo bz' held on *fonday, .1uly 13, 1981 at 7:00 P.M. <br />Lidders are requested to use attached bid formsto suhmit bids on tiiis matter. <br />:specif ications, describing equipement upon which bids will be received, are attact;eci ce. c,; _ <br />The (ity ef Paris reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any inic:?rt:a:i, <br />iP bid<jfng, and to award as may be advantageous to the City, <br />H. C. GP,EENE <br />Director of Finance <br />