Iropellers shall be of the enclosed tyPe, bronze, accurately mactiined and perf.eci i~-
<br />balariced. Each impeller shall be complete with hrorize impel_]er wearing ring. Imt,cller:,
<br />shall be fastened to the pump shaft by means of a ASTri A-276, Type 416 stainl,;,s steel
<br />jmpeller key and thrust ring. Individual bowls shall :e fla.nged nnd held togetl,`r hy
<br />Teans of Type 304 stainless steel capscrews.
<br />The discharge :-olumn shall he flanged steel colur.:n pipe, with a minimum of one
<br />qsarter (1/4") inch wall thickness, in lengths nct t~ ~~~etd tEt. (20) feet. The dia;re~, ,
<br />o` the column shall be of ample size to keep the friction lass to a ininimum dt,* K,
<br />no event is to 6e less than the minimum size listecl elsek-hert, ir, the specificatior:<.
<br />Coltimn flange bolts ar.d nuts to be Type 304 stainless steel_.
<br />T11e shaft shall be annealed r11S1-C-1045 carbon steel, accuratel.y machined ar.d
<br />3~igned. T'he shaft shall be adequate in size to tn.3nsn;it thc rna:;imcim
<br />tnroughout the ranses of operation with the speed beinp well bElow theocritical~is~~eed
<br />for the shaft, and to trarismit the mechanical ar,d tiydrau]ic thrust at low worKiai,~
<br />stresses, Sections of the stiaft shall be not exceeding ter. (10) feet in lengt;,, ';e
<br />aminimum of 2-7/16" in diameter, and joined by mcans of rigid type steel shaCt.
<br />couplings of the same grade of steel as shown foz *he shaft.
<br />Ttie shaft and shaft bearings shall be enclosed in a extra heav} ASTM-A-120, Egricie
<br />level, steel shaft tube. The shaft tube shall be in sections nct to exceed f:ve r-;;
<br />fect in lengtti and shall so enciose the shaft that water wit.hir, tt;e column w,!
<br />eciucled therefrom. _
<br />A11 lineshaft bearing;; shall be of bronze, arrnged fur ail
<br />automatic oiler a ;t,br.•;cation from ~in
<br />ttached to the dischargeci head. Lineshaft ';c~arings to be space::'. ar
<br />intervals not to exceed five (5) feet. A ocie gallun solenoid oi:er with recessa: v
<br />fzttings shall be furr.ished to automatically ltibricate linestiaft heNrings dUri~~_-
<br />pt?mp operation.
<br />Heav fy abri.cated steel discvarge head of the abcve base tvpe discharge sha11 be
<br />furnished for the support oi tht pump and moCor. Bottcm of discharge head shaI i be
<br />complete with remavable soleplaie suitable for F,routing that will allow later re-
<br />mova1 of pun;ping without disturhing grout. S'i'eel soleplate shall be 53" <cc;uare
<br />by 1-112" thick. Disctiarge outlet: stiali have 150l` AS?1 flanCe of a minimum >izr spe;.; i'
<br />elsewhere-in the speciFZCaticns. Discharge head ;:tial1 he furr.ished with two-piawi~:
<br />type t:opshaft with sahft coupling located between the di;,cahrbe head and e1ectri :
<br />rotC.T.
<br />7.~ F'LECTItIC MOI'OR
<br />1'he motor shal.l be oO0 ;IF`, 90C?
<br />RPm, vertic
<br />ai hol iow shaf
<br />t
<br />'
<br />torque, lc ~ startin~
<br />current, Nema de5ign
<br />.
<br />e`-
<br />trr;
<br />.
<br />li, syuirrel
<br />}i'gh thrust, r~~;~-.:~;
<br />voltage starting atid continuous
<br />oF,erar
<br />ion
<br />care, indu
<br />of 480
<br />'
<br />ctiOn type for fuii
<br />current. Motor insulati
<br />on st~a11
<br />.
<br />he C1ass i3
<br />volt,
<br />
<br />s Phase,
<br />ilon-},vdr
<br />co
<br />60 c}~cle, alter:~,~t;r:,~
<br />h,3krs of insulatiiig varnisii, 60
<br />0 C rjse ir:
<br />,
<br />os
<br />pic wiCh
<br />40"
<br />multjple di, au
<br />driP-Proof, IJP-1 enc:nsure.
<br />C r3r;bierit. h'otor
<br />to have shieldcc
<br />