Park Additi_c,
<br />B1ock FL, Lots 1 & 3
<br />CA'7'1:RYN BELL
<br />Sifual.,~:d t;;, 1lmits oi' City of Faris,
<br />Larr.a1° Cour,ty, T~,xas, at,ur,t cC' t~f.R_Ajiin. Russr.ll Uurvey, ai:d
<br />a part of Lot, 1 ad 3, 13 1ock R, wr~ic` was descr•ic~E.d in
<br />dF,r d from Dr. xoss D. i~fa1:.,rav~ts, et.a1., to Cat!~,xyn D~-11,
<br />ciatcd Apri1. 5, 1j, --~-cordeJ Bcok 470, Pa c 60, De-;] Records,
<br />Larlar County, 2'(l;as, a: i d -1L c- ii; mor- particularly describeJ as
<br />f'ollows :
<br />BiiGTRTi`1IIqC at, t''"~F, i`1.W. COl'ner of Lot; 1, BloCk R;
<br />'7HENCE Uout;}-,, wit~; r~ W,-,st. Bourdary Line of
<br />Lots 1 and 3, Jisfa,.ce o' 100.0 1-0 t~'e S.W. Carner
<br />of' Lat 3;
<br />THEN CE P1 ~9°l4' E, with -;1- Souti; Boundary Line
<br />of Lo~ c.tanc 1+C `
<br />4- 3, a ~~i,~~ of 31 ,
<br />THENCE T1 3°53' V1 a.aistance o`' 100.1 ieet, to
<br />a point; i~, ;e "dorth F?oundary Line of' Lot 1;
<br />THEl1CE Sd*()°14' W, with, the North Boundary LinF:
<br />of Lot 1, a~listanc~~ of 24.4 fe4 t t;o t~e r;oint of k: jnnin
<br />ar,d c~>r~ta~.~~irlr, 0 0t, ~,res cf 1a11d, mor P o7~ less . (2'7'~9.5 sf )
<br />TO RESOLUTION N0. 2145
<br />