~ Grant Application
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<br />~ Office of tlle General Counsel and
<br />Governor Criminal Justice
<br />. : c-
<br />Project Title:
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<br />The tollowing standard b ant conditions, (where applicable), rnust be certiCied and agreed to by the applicant in order to validate
<br />the application. Also, tvhere a condition is applicable and requires additional information, such information should be included in
<br />or as an addition to the application. (additional expla7ation of these grant canditions may be found in CJ publications.)
<br />Standard Grant Conditions
<br />1. Project Initiation. Acceptance of the grant award must be returned to the Governor's Otfice within 30 days after the date of
<br />the award. If an approved project has not commenced within 60 days atter acceptance of the grant award, the grantee will
<br />report by letter the steps taken to initiate the project, zeasons for the delav, and expected starting date. If 90 days after
<br />acceptance of the award the project is not operational, a further statement of implementakion delay will be submitted by the
<br />grantee to the Gavernor's Office. On reeeipt of the 90 day tetier, the Governor's Office may cancel the pzoject and
<br />redistribute the funds to other project areas. The Governor's Office, where warranted by e;ctenuating circumstances, may
<br />extend the implementaion date of the project past thc 90 day period.
<br />2: Project Completion. \Vith the exception of the final project report, Cinal financiai report, and liquidation of goods or services
<br />encumbered before the termination date, grants must be completed no later than the termination date set forth in the
<br />Statement ot Grant Award or any approved extension thereof. Grantees should keep in mind the grant condition prohibiting
<br />the obligation of funds beyond such termination dates, the requirement for liquidation of obligations within 90 days after the
<br />tezmination date, and the requirement £or the return of unobiigated grant funds within such period.
<br />3, Reports, The grantee shall submi[, at such times and in such forms as may be prescribed, any teports that the Governor's
<br />Office may require, including quarteriy financial and progress reports and final financial and probress reports. The grantee's
<br />failure to submit required reports ~vithin the prescribed time constraints may result in unnecessarydelays in the processing of
<br />request for funds.
<br />4. Fiscal Regulations. The fiscal administration of grants shall be subject to such rules, tegulations, and policies concerning
<br />accountirig and records, payments of funds, cost allowability, submission of financial reports, etc., as may be prescribed by
<br />the Governor's Office.
<br />litilization And Payment of Funds. Funds awarded may be clxpended only for purposes and activities covered by the
<br />grantee's approved project plan and budget. Payments witl be made on the basis of periodic tequests and estimates of fund
<br />needs submitted by the grantee. Payments wifl be adjusted to correct previous overpayments or underpayments.
<br />6. Written Approval Of Chatiges. Grantees musc obtain 'prior written approval from the Covernor's Office for major project
<br />changes. These include (a) changes of substance in project activities, desi;n, or research plans set forth in the approved
<br />application; (b) changes in the projeck director or other key personnel identified in the approved application; (c) ex enditure
<br />of project [unds representing more than a 15 percent or 52,500 variation, whichever is greater, between category oi~the total
<br />approved budget, including both CJ grant funds and granfee contribution, and (d) all additions to or cieletions of approved
<br />equipment' purchases. Any project changes in the grantee's prerogative to initiate are subject to cost allowability and budget
<br />guidelines that may be described in the CJ publications mentioned in the preamble to this section.
<br />7• iblaintenance Of Records, Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, required reports, and all other records
<br />pertinent to the grant project or any component part thereof shall be retained for three years trom the date of the grantee's
<br />submission of the final expenditure report, except that records for nonexpendable property acqiaired with federal grant funds
<br />shall be retained for thrce years after Cinal disposition. The records shall bc retained beyond thc three-year period if audit
<br />findings have not been resolved. Provisions to this effect mustbe included in all contracts, subcantracts, or other arrangements
<br />for implementation of this project or an}• component thereof. ,
<br />8. Inspection And Audit. The State of Texas the U.S. Department oC Justice, and Comptroller Gencral o[ the United States, or
<br />any of their duly authorized representatives shall have access to aiiy books, documents, papers, and records pertinent to this
<br />grant project for the purpose of makinrt audit, examination, excerpts, and transcripts. A provision lo this effect sliall be
<br />included in contracts, subcontracls, or otiier arrangements for itnplemen[ation of this project or any component thereof.
<br />9• Termination OC Aid. ,'1 grant may be terminated or fund patImenls withhcld by the Covernor's Officc if it [inds a snbstantial
<br />failure to comply with the provisions of P.L. 90•351 as amendrd ur :lrticle •1413 (32:►) VACS or regulations or guidelines
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